“Big Brother Canada” Recap: Kiefer Takes Charge

Big Brother Canada continued on Monday night with Kiefer going from the bottom to the top as Head of Household as the house divide deepened.

In case you missed it, here are the biggest moments from the episode.

Victoria shifts blame

The episode kicked off with former HoH Victoria working to shift the blame for Latoya’s eviction from herself to someone else. She decided to use Beth’s words earlier in the week against her and called her out in front of the entire house.

Beth was upset, as you’d expect, but did not give Victoria the reaction she had wanted. Beth is confronted in the bedroom by Jedson and Ty, but she eventually tells them that she would never betray the Sunsetters alliance.

Kiefer sets his target

With Kiefer in charge this week, there was no telling what he would do. He could choose to target the same Sunsetters alliance that voted to evict him or go after the other side of the house.

Rohan and Kyle go to Tychon and Jedson to try and get them to convince Kiefer to keep them off the block, especially since they know they will be targets this week. Ty and Jedson feel Austin would be a much bigger target than the guys, but this only makes Kiefer question Ty and Jedson’s motives even more.

In the end, Kiefer decides to target Rohan and Kyle for eviction this week.

What did you make of Kiefer’s decision? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother Canada continues Wednesday at 8/7c on Global TV.

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