‘Big Brother’ 21 recap: Two houseguests sent packing in double eviction

With less than three weeks to go in the season, Thursday night’s Big Brother saw both Jessica Milagros and Christie Murphy get sent to the jury house in an action packed episode.
Host Julie Chen Moonves got things started with the first live vote and eviction. As expected, Jessica was evicted on a 4-0 vote. She spoke to Julie following her exit and said she felt a sense of loyalty to Christie and Nicole.
“I had this weird energy-wise click with Christie,” Jessica said. “With Nicole, she was a straight shooter. She gave me a lot of information and some of the things she told me helped me make better decisions in this game.”
Then, it was time for the next Head of Household (HOH) competition, which saw the houseguests solve an ice hockey themed puzzle and finish by scoring a goal. This is where things took an interesting turn as Nicole finally won her first competition and collapsed to the ground in tears of joy. She had to quickly nominate and put Christie and Tommy up on the block.
The Power of Veto (POV) was next. All the houseguests got to play in this one as they had to answer questions to guess which word was bleeped out of specific season clips. It came down to Cliff and Christie, but a last-second decision to switch answers ended up costing Christie the win and leading Cliff to victory.
Cliff decided not to use the veto and keep nominations the same. The house would vote to evict Christie on a 3-0 vote, making her the second houseguest to be sent packing during the episode. In her interview with Julie, she said her emotions are partly to blame for how her game turned out.
“My downfall was being too blunt,” she said. “I think that I spit things out at the moment and I just say it and go with it. It is very hard to change my mind once I’m set on something.”
After the double eviction, there are now five houseguests left to battle it out for the big $500,000 grand prize. With 20 days to go, anything can happen.
What did you think of the double eviction? Let me know in the comments below!
Big Brother continues Sunday at 8/7c on CBS.