‘Big Brother 21’ recap: Jessica’s got all the power

Wednesday night’s episode of Big Brother saw Jessica take full control of the house with a Power of Veto (PoV) win. And unlike Cliff, she knew exactly what not to do with it. This episode was pretty straightforward, so lets just jump into the recap.

Jessica is in the Head of Household (HOH) bedroom with Holly, Kat, and Nicole. She tells them that her target is Jack and she does not want to name a replacement nominee. But in order for that to happen, the veto would need to be won by someone in that group.

Kat, Nick, and Tommy end up playing in the POV competition alongside Jackson, Jack, and Jessica. The object of the game was to get spun around and shoot a “rocket” into the field to score points. This competition had me dizzy just watching it, so I can’t imagine taking part in it. The competition would come down to Jessica and Nick. In the end, Nick scored 17 points and Jessica scored 28 points, securing her POV win.

The edit will have you believe that Jessica was considering using the veto, but don’t be fooled as this was never going to happen. She said at the beginning of the week that she wanted her HOH to mean something and it will.

At the veto meeting, she decides to not use the POV. This means she will succeed in her plan to get Jack or Jackson out of the house on Thursday night.

What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother continues tonight at 8/7c on CBS with the live eviction with host Julie Chen Moonves.

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