Game of Thrones Return: Winter NOT Coming This Year

Speculation ends, but waiting begins anew. Game of Thrones fans are sure to groan when they hear the show will NOT return in 2018 as desperately hoped. HBO announced today that the final 6 episodes of it’s series ending season 8 will not drop until 2019. No specific date was given, so I can’t even assure you it will be at the beginning of next year.

So, what does this mean? Well, it means you have a year+ to rewatch the entire series–since you’re likely to forget some things with that much time between season 7 and 8–or even start binging the show, if you’re one of the rare few who never have.  It also means there’s over a year for possible leaks to trickle out as they’re currently filming. And by the time the show does air, the cast will have been well done with the series and already on to new projects.

It also means we can hold onto our fandom a little longer as we anticipate the final wrap-up and a GOTless world.

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