Danielle’s Top Ten Questions Going Into Shadowhunters Season Two

It’s been months of anticipation and not-so-patient waiting but the second season of Freeform’s Shadowhunters is finally here. Season one was only thirteen episodes yet the producers and writers packed in tangled story lines, character arcs that had us in tears, and vivid personalities that make us feel like we know the Shadow Squad personally.
In the end, our beloved characters lost and found love, regained control of the Mortal Cup only to be betrayed and lose it again, battled demons of all kinds, and even went to another dimension. Of course during hiatus we’ve been satiated by behind the scenes looks at filming and Q&A’s with the cast and crew but, there’s nothing quite like new episodes with the stories and characters we love. In honor of the New Year and a new season of Shadowhunters, here are ten questions I have going into season two:
Are we going to Idris this season?
It’s already been teased that we are going to meet the Seelie Queen in the latter half of this season, but there has been no indication if we’re getting a glimpse at the elusive Shadowhunter homeland. I’m guessing every single building is going to look like Saint Paul’s Cathedral, and the streets will be bustling seas of shadowhunters, all going somewhere very important of course. Or are we in for a more of an Imperial Army feel, all dulled colors, and clinical decor? Looking at the New York Institute, we may be in for a combination seeing as the Institute is an interesting mixture of classic cathedral and modernity. More importantly, how is Idris going to batten down their hatches to protect themselves from Valentine?
What does Isabelle have up her sleeve?
Izzy is not known to be a woman who sits on her hands. With her adoptive brother missing and her family at war amid the conflict-ridden shadow world, I have the feeling that Izzy is going through quite a bit. In all of the promos and sneak peeks we’ve seen, she seems to still be in rebellion mode but how far is “becoming her enemy” going to take her? What’s with Aldertree seemingly kissing Izzy’s neck while she silently cries? We all know that Izzy and Meliorn bartered information as a form of pillow talk, but that was a person she seemed to have built a relationship with, not a random Clave representative.
Is Clary putting back on her diplomat/rebel leader hat?
Rise Up was my favorite episode of the first season for so many reasons, but a big one was Clary rallying the shadow world and brokering peace between each faction if only for a night. Though in the eyes of the clave she was out of line, for the good of the shadow world Clary was like an up and coming General Organa. With Jace gone and her first war unraveling, I can’t imagine Clary voluntarily playing by the rules. From our sneak peek of her training session with Izzy, it’s safe to say we’ll have more than enough rebellious Clary on our hands but maybe a bit more subtle and tactful this time around.
Is Simon going back home at some point to gain closure?
Simon Lewis is usually our wonderful, breath of fresh, humorous air but ever since his transformation, Simon has been decidedly tumultuous. After Simon turned, the struggle of adapting to his vampire abilities only seemed to be exacerbated by the fact that he couldn’t return home to his family. In one of Todd Slavkin’s many impromptu Twitter Q & A’s, he let us know that we’re in for some serious character development on all fronts but particularly when Simon is concerned. At the end of season one, Simon’s main issue was his lack of home base; maybe returning to his childhood home will be a part of his arc this season. Ultimately, Simon’s homecoming may spark a much-needed mourning of his formerly mundane life. Angst ahead, angels; I have a feeling we’re all going to need to grab a box of Kleenex for this one.
Will we be going deeper into the downworld?
Season one gave us a taste of each faction of the downworld. We were able to see warlock markers and spells, wolf packs and their hierarchy, a limited vampire 101, and Seelie customs and their relationship with nature. It was just enough of a glimpse that it makes us all want to see more. There are so many questions! Is there anything comparable to the Seelie court? Can we expect an Elizabethan style set-up but more Midsummer Night’s Dream? Does the Clave look a little like the Senate chambers? Are there any limitations on warlock immortality? Why do vampires and werewolves hate each other this time? #TeamDownworld all the way this season!
Are we going to break through some of Magnus’ shell and learn more about our favorite warlock?
Magnus Bane has been alive for almost six centuries, so I really need more stories from him! He has seen and done so much, yet he is a character that ultimately lives in the moment. Call it a product of immortality but Magnus is a carpe diem kind of guy, shying away from no one and no experience. As Harry Shum Jr. clarified, Magnus is very much a walled off person. Between the aesthetic barriers he paints on and his nonchalant attitude, viewers, have only caught glimpses of what lies beneath and unfortunately, those glimpses have always been when he’s upset or angry. Are we going to see more of relaxed, casual Magnus or a Magnus that lets out a full-bellied laugh with ease? Also, can we enlist the help of a certain Shadowhunter that is good at uh “unlocking” things with this task?
Speaking of warlocks: will there be more of them and what did we hear about fancy new magic?
Warlocks seem to be a population of people who weave seamlessly in and out of history. We met Ragnor Fell, though his appearance was short-lived, and we got to know Dot before she met her demise but there have to be more! There are high warlocks of every metropolitan area around the globe along with corresponding populations of local warlocks. Do they have an annual convention we can get an invite to? Something that has intrigued every fan during hiatus has been the news of magical changes where visual effects are concerned. In season one, every warlocks magic presented itself as blue, cloud-like fire but the EPs have suggested a more electric feel to magic this season. Does the new magic give each warlock a more individual flair or are we simply gaining emotional color-coding depending on what’s fueling the spell?
What is up with Clary and her extraordinary angelic powers?
Is anyone else still wondering how Clary can just reach into art and what not? Luke said that certain Shadowhunters have rare, divine powers but he had never seen one like Clary’s. What could this mean? Is Clary more angel than the rest of them? Art is the link between each encounter we’ve had with Clary’s gift. She can make art out of physical objects like her biscotti in the pilot episode, but she can also pull things and people, like the Mortal Cup and Ragnor Fell, out of art. This has me wondering if we’re going beyond interacting with pieces of art and into the realm of creating angelic art? If it’s possible for Clary to pull things/people out of art, then someone must have been there to create the art itself. Is it a team up between Shadowhunters and Warlocks that gives us magical art? Who knows but I’d love to see the writers and producers go with Clary’s angelic traits this season.
On a less ambitious note, are our faves going to take a break from the darkness (both literally and emotionally) and make time for some love?
We all have the Shadowhunters ships that make our hearts sing, and I’m hoping my heart won’t be playing Adele all season. I enjoy emotionally challenging and character developing storylines as much as the next entertainment junkie, but I’m curious if the EPs will be easing up on the angst to let some romance bloom. We’ve got a Malec first date and possibly a first trip coming for us (I’ve got my headstone picked out), but we’ve heard very little on any other fan favorites. The first promo had the Clizzy fans passing out and now that Clace is a no-go Simon can at least attempt to vampire mojo his way into Clary’s heart. Romantic love aside, I’m here for the blossoming of platonic love as well! Magnus and Simon seem to have a Mr. Miyagi and the Karate Kid thing happening but with fangs and a lot more sass. Will Magnus help Simon find the home he’s been craving? Are our dreams of a Clary and Alec BROTP going to come true or be crushed by Jace’s absence? And of course, we all know that the girl power is going to be strong as well. Izzy and Clary seem to be furthering the bond they established last season but, I’m especially excited to see where newcomer Maia and the returning Lydia Branwell fit into the mix.
Will Jace have any peace?
Last and certainly not least: when will Jace have any rest? I really hope for Christmas Jace got a nice long nap. Part of me loves an angsty Jace because Dom Sherwood truly shines in those scenes. I’m still not over the Jace and Alec fight from Rise Up between the raw emotion from both actors during the scene and all the emotional background notes Dom inserted in the aftermath (if you look behind Clary during her heart to heart with Simon you can see Jace looking down at his shaking hands, and I feel attacked). I think all of us, Jace included, are bracing for the impact this season. He can’t jump through a portal with his estranged father Valentine and not expect to get his ass handed to him emotionally (and probably physically if the bloody BTS pictures are anything to go by). The biggest concern is how far the manipulation is going to push Jace. Will Valentine have him bending to his psychopathic and eugenic will by the 2A finale or is Jace going to be the soldier he was raised to be and power through? If he does make it out of this alive, what mental cost is he going to have to pay?
It’s easy to see that this season is going to be a doozy for every character and every relationship. In the previews alone we’re sure to be in for emotional and physical turmoil on all fronts. Valentine is the only character that seems to be thriving at the moment which is… disheartening, to say the least. It’s going to be a roller coaster, and surely we’ll have even more questions in the coming months, but my fellow angels and I are happy to slip into the shadows once again!
Shadowhunters is back on Freeform Monday’s at 8/7 c!