Sarah’s Top Five Burning Timeless Questions

Timeless fans, holy cow! That was a hell of a ride, and we got some eye-opening revelations in the process. Lucy’s father is part of Rittenhouse (high up if I had to guess.) Rufus finally came clean about his spying, and we got some more backstory on our very own “villain” Garcia Flynn. I don’t know about you, but this leaves me with several questions that I’d like to have answered in the coming weeks.
Without further ado, here are my top five questions following the Watergate Tape…
- Is Rittenhouse aware Lucy Preston is the daughter of one its prominent members? Given the look on his face, I doubt he knows, but the surprises it seems aren’t going to be just for our trio
- How long do you think Rufus will be able to fool Rittenhouse as a double agent for him, Wyatt and Lucy? As much as I wish it would be always, that’s not how drama works and in the meantime whatever he learns will help them get to the truth of this shadowy organization that terrifies anyone who knows about it.
- How does Future Lucy become aware of all the details of what happened to Wyatt’s wife? It’s a natural assumption that he tells her himself, but that level of trust is something they have to get to first. It’ll be interesting to see how they get there. (Fine yes I’m a Lyatt/Wucy shipper, but I’m proud to say it, haha)
- Is one of the reasons Rittenhouse is so formidable is because nothing about this organization is written down? The revelation the doc was a woman (and not a piece of paper) was shocking. If nothing is written down nothing can be tracked, read or found out without talking to the right people.
- Last but certainly not least, will Lucy and Rufus, be able to gain back Wyatt’s trust? He was understandably angry after finding out Lucy and Rufus both lied about themselves, and while I understand why they were scared to, in the end, the truth has a way of coming out. Here’s hoping they can band together in future adventures because they are going to need each other to deal with whatever comes next.
How about you Timeless fans? Are you excited to see how all these stories come together this season?
Timeless airs at 10/8c on NBC.
1 comment
1. Is Rittenhouse aware Lucy Preston is the daughter of one its prominent members? I don’t know if he’s aware she knows he’s her father, but I’m pretty sure he does. Rittenhouse seems to know EVERYTHING.
2. How long do you think Rufus will be able to fool Rittenhouse as a double agent for him, Wyatt and Lucy? As he said, he’s not a very good agent, much less a double agent. But I’m cautiously optimistic since it’s his family on the line.
3. How does Future Lucy become aware of all the details of what happened to Wyatt’s wife? I agree, that amount of detail would have had to come directly from him.
4. Is one of the reasons Rittenhouse is so formidable is because nothing about this organization is written down? Yes, and for many other reasons, including the length of their history, connections throughout history and the current world, and no one else knows who they are.
5. Last but certainly not least, will Lucy and Rufus, be able to gain back Wyatt’s trust? I think they would have to for the series to survive.