Exclusive Interview with Below Deck’s Kelley Johnson

Returning for a second Below Deck season, Kelley Johnson is back in action in his new position as Bosun. He had a rocky first season on the show, but this time around he is determined to prove himself to Captain Lee and the rest of the crew. Take a look at our interview below as we discuss deckhands, his dating life, and Captian Lee.
Below Deck airs Tuesdays at 9PM on Bravo!
You came back for another season of Below Deck! What made you want to come back?
I was disappointed in myself from the last season. Being able to watch yourself, and the decisions you make gives you a great outside perspective. It was one of the best things that I could have done. I was able to learn a lot about myself and grow because I was on season 2. So this season for me is all about Redemption, and proving to the crew and Captain Lee that I am a capable Bosun.
You have a new position this time around. How has it been for you?
I am in charge of the Deck crew this year. Basically, if the job isn’t getting done, I am the one the Captain comes to if things aren’t up to par. You might see that this season. I manage the Deck department, set schedules, and make sure the boat is up to the Captains standards. It is a challenging experience but rewarding beyond belief.
We know why, but how did you come to the decision to demote Trevor?
I didn’t see another option. I had tried to talk to him a few times, and it didn’t seem like it was going to click. This is what led me to the decision of demoting him, and taking away what he was abusing. Unfortunately, it didn’t work as planned, and well you know how it ended.
We haven’t seen too much of the other deckhands, how has working with them been for you?
So far they have been amazing. Most of my attention had been focused on Trevor, and from what I have seen of them they are doing a fantastic job. They are both experienced, and I have a great feeling for the rest of the season.
We have to ask, are you dating anyone?
Yes, I am! She is not from the show, but she shares a lot of my passions, and we just seem to have a blast whether we are out-and-about, or just lying in bed.
Do you keep up with anyone from the crew?
I keep up with almost everyone. Captain Lee is my workout partner most mornings, and let me tell you he can keep up, and maybe put me to shame on abs (Don’t tell him I said that, it will get to his head). The deckhands all keep in contact, and I still chat with Emily on the regular. Trevor, well I just don’t have any want or need to chat with him. Hope he learns from this experience and is able to make some course corrections moving forward.
Would you ever come back for yet another season of Below Deck?
That’s a tough question. I have an amazing job on a Sportfish with a great Captain and great owners. They actually let me off to come on this season, and it’s definitely tough on you switching between the two. So only time will tell. I would love to work for Captain Lee again. I think this season taught me a lot as a leader, and I wouldn’t mind trying it again and see how it all turns out with my new set of skills.
Anything you can tease about the season going forward?
You know there is so much that happened. You are going to see me stumble a few times, and definitely some more crew drama. Some crazy destinations, crazy behaviors, and some nights out without Trevor! The last one should be enough to tune in and check it out.
1 comment
Hey Kelly, I hope to see you as a captain one day. I hope to see more of you on below deck. Also I do hope your new relationship turns out to be a great one. I really did not care for the ones with bobby and his frat friend. They were like a couple little girls ganging up one the one guy on a previous show, they were such two faced asses. I think the caption was clueless as to what was going on. I am happy that he is gone. Well take care Kelly and good luck in the future.