ATX Exclusive Interview with Ugly Betty’s Ana Ortiz

AUSTIN, TX - JUNE 11: Ana Ortiz and America Ferrera attend the "Ugly Betty 10 Year Reunion" panel during the 2016 ATX Television Festival at the Paramount Theatre on June 11, 2016, in Austin, Texas. (Photo by Jack Plunkett/Picturegroup)
Photo Credit: Jack Plunkett/Picturegroup

If you watched Ugly Betty 10 years ago, you are definitely missing Hilda Suarez in your life. Hilda, played by Ana Ortiz, was Ugly Betty’s vivacious older sister and mother to Justin. We had the chance to chat with Ana Ortiz at the recent ATX Festival. Check out our interview below as we chat about the 10 year Ugly Betty reunion, where Hilda is today and Ana’s nerdy side.

What was your initial impression when you heard there was going to be an “Ugly Betty” reunion?

You mean besides jumping up and down and screaming and running around and causing major havoc in my house? (laughs) Literally when I got the e-mail from America I sent out an e-mail back saying, “I’m in.” I noticed it was a reply all and all of us, I’m telling you it wasn’t even a day and all of us were already committed to doing it.

Do you have a favorite memory from filming or from the show?

There’s so many, many, many, many memories that I have, favorites, but I will say one of my favorites was the end of season one and the “West Side Story” episode. Oh, god. I also loved, you know what, I think one of my favorite moments was when Hilda got to be with Justin, her son, and also all of her really hot boyfriends. What is that wrong? Don’t tell my husband. (laughs).

Where do you think Hilda would be right now?

I think Hilda married Bobby, and they moved to Manhattan. La-Di-Dah. (laughs). I think she probably had another kid and I think she probably has a salon somewhere, in probably uptown.

If you can describe your experience on “Ugly Betty” in five words or less, how would you describe it?

Life changing, I guess that’s two. Life changing, beautiful, emotional and family.

Our site’s called Talk Nerdy with Us, so what makes you nerdy? Or what do you nerd out about?

Oh, god. My husband is a giant nerd. I guess, honestly, I think what makes me nerdy is I’m a book maniac. I always have my face in a book and these days nobody reads books anymore, right?

We still do! What was the best book you read recently?

I’m reading a book called “H is for Hawk” and it’s a really friggin’ beautiful book. Also, I just read the new Tony Morrison book which is really good. Yeah, those are the ones. Oh, and my father gave me a book called “The War Against All Puerto Ricans” I don’t know, so there’s that.

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