On The Voice: Semi-Finalists Are Revealed
For the first time since the Top 12 took the stage, I completely agree with the results tonight. That’s not saying much since we are apparently now at what we are calling the semi-final round, which means the cuts are super deep next week. If memory serves, we go from eight to four pretty quickly. There’s going to be a lot of dramatic time wasting for Carson next week.
But, this week we still have eight and, in order of saves, interspersed with weird stuff that happened on Tuesday, they are:
Hannah Huston – The only remaining member of Team Pharrell.
Next up: James Bay sang a song and I’m pretty sure he whispered the whole thing. I like James but I think during the quiet parts of the song he was maybe playing invisible man or something. He was really, really quiet.
Bryan Bautista – The smoking hot, I mean talented guy left on Team X-Tina.
Adam Wakefield – The bearded guy from Blake’s team.
Next up: A visit from Andy Samberg as some guy called Connor4Real which was funny but not funny in a way that I felt young enough to understand. Then Connor4Real did a duet with Adam. I didn’t get that either. The whole bit might have been cooler if Andy’s roommate Owen Danoff hadn’t been kicked off prematurely. That would have been a lot more fun.
Then Carson asked Paxton who his closest friends were on the show and he basically named everyone on the stage except Mary Sarah who he was standing right next to. That was funny!
Laith Al-Saadi – The bearded guy from Team Adam.
Mary Sarah – Blake’s country girl.
Next, Nick talked about how he had learned integration from being on The Voice. At first. I was really confused by this comment until he explained that he meant the integration of his family and his career, I think.
Alisan Porter – The lady with the kids that was Curly Sue.
Shalyah Fearing – The fourth girl safe tonight making the totals going into next week 4 boys and 4 girls. Interesting!
(My mom tells me she doesn’t remember their names anyway so I thought brief descriptions might help those who don’t write notes about the contestants week after week after week).
Which left our bottom two Paxton Ingram (with the ponytail) and Nick Hagelin (the ballet dancer) to sing for the East Coast save. Paxton slowed down another Whitney Houston tune, stripping How Will I Know down to a slow groove. Nick chose Change the World and he did ok but I feel like he caught the whisper bug from James Bay. His voice was drowned out through much of the song.
In the end, Paxton won, and deserved, the #Voicesave and moves on to the semi-finals. Next week we cut four and the remaining four will move on to the finale. With all of Team Blake still in tact, he does have the odds in his favor. I can’t help but think Team Pharrell might pull a sneaky one here! That would really be something for Carson to crow about!
See you Monday!