CBS Announces Final Nine Episodes of ‘The Good Wife’

Many TV fans associate the SuperBowl with a night off from their favorite shows – but if you opted out of watching the big event, you may have missed a whopper of an announcement from CBS: this will be the last season of their mega-hit The Good Wife.
For six and half years, fans have watched Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies) navigate life after a very public embarrassment, courtesy of her philandering politician husband, Peter. We’ve watched Alicia’s reentry into the work force, her beautifully flawed romance with Will Gardner, her deep grief, her constantly evolving savviness as an attorney, and her foray into the world of politics herself.
With only nine episodes left, where will Alicia’s story end? Will she stick it out in a fledgling firm or realign herself with her former colleagues? Will she develop a long-lasting relationship with her private investigator? Will she throw her hat in the political ring and make Eli the happiest man in the world? Whatever happens, one things for certain: Sunday nights will be a lot emptier without Alicia Florrick.