Review: Wizard World New Orleans

January 8th-10th I attended Wizard World Comic Con in New Orleans. It was my first time ever attending a convention and I have to say I’d absolutely do it again! The folks at Wizard World have got the logistics down; everything ran so smoothly (at least on my end).

The Merch: I first wandered through the exhibition area Friday afternoon after picking up my pass. SO. MANY. GOODIES. I’m pretty sure my bank card shriveled up once it saw the vast amounts of figurines and art prints.
Asia Martinez has amazing Sailor Moon prints, so you should definitely check it out.
Ashley Riot also has some awesome Sailor Moon art. As you can tell, I have a thing for Sailor Moon.
Autopsy Annie has gorgeous Doctor Who art, which obviously drew me to her table.

The Programming: Wizard World gave some us some amazing panels.
– I saw the Captain America: Civil War panel, where Chris Evans joked there was a reason why Robert Downey, Jr. wasn’t there (because Cap & Iron Man don’t get along, get it??).
– Jenna Coleman was there to talk about Doctor Who, and I was mesmerized.
– Ben McKenzie and Erin Richards were there to talk about Gotham. Erin gave us some insight on Barbara’s descent into madness, and that she prepares by throwing knives. Whaaaaat??
– William Shatner. The Shat. I still can’t believe I was in the same room as the man who my dad watched on tv and in the movies. Mr. Shatner is an excellent orator and he had some funny stories to tell. My favorite was when he compared getting hoverboards for his family at Christmas to Sh!t My Dad Says being cancelled.

The Cosplay: So. Many. DOCTORS! And Daredevil. But I mostly saw The Doctor in his many regenerations. Perhaps my favorite (which I didn’t feel comfortable asking for a picture) was a family who went as Doc Brown (the dad), Marty McFly (the mom), and the DeLorean (the child’s wheelchair). IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. And thankfully everyone was polite about asking cosplayers for permission to take pictures.

The Staff: I wish wish wish I had thought to get names of everyone working and volunteering but I was too engaged in everything else! But I definitely want to give a shout out to those who provided their time and sanity to making Wizard World New Orleans one of the best weekends of my life.

If you’re interested in future Wizard World conventions, make sure you’re following them on Twitter and/or keep checking on their website.

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