Review: “Movin’ On” by Lilianna Wilde

Lilianna Wilde is a hot new singer-songwriter in LA. She’s originally from Toronto and has worked in quite a few areas of the entertainment industry. The first single from her EP wildeONE was just released. The song and the accompanying video are available on You Tube “Movin’ On“.
“Movin’ On” is an R&B influenced pop track co-written by vocal coach Nick Cooper. The words and visuals are inspiring and empowering. Who hasn’t found themselves in a situation where the only solution is to move on? Lilianna has a rich voice that backs up her words with strong emotions. The highs and lows of her register are equally strong and carry you through the narrative. The melody is catchy and you will find yourself starting to sing along before the song ends.
The video images match the mood and style of the music and the story told is familiar to anyone who’s ever been in a relationship. You feel for this young woman as she balances the pros and cons of “Movin’ On” and can identify with the difficult decision she needs to make.
It is a song about empowerment and about choosing to be yourself and live your life on your terms. The fact that the music and lyrics are catchy doesn’t diminish the impact of the song and video. Click the link above to see and hear for yourself.
Lilianna Wilde can be found playing at venues in the Los Angeles area. You can read the Talk Nerdy With Us interview with her here…lilianna-wilde/