Little Known Movies Worth Your Time

This week’s little known movie comes to you via Bollywood.
Bride and Prejudice
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Martin Henderson, Naveen Andrews, and Namrata Shirodkar
Why I love this movie:
This is just good clean, cheesy Bollywood fun. The songs make you want to get up and dance. The storyline is very entertaining and a good twist on a classic story.
What it’s about:
Bride and Prejudice is a modern twist of Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice. Taking place in modern-day India. Lalita’s mother is desperate to marry off her 4 daughters. Her plans are thwarted when prejudices come into play.
This is your standard Bollywood fair of a good old-fashioned Bollywood musical. Do not fret this movie is in English.
My personal rating: B
What a fun movie! Thanks for the recommendation!
I’m really glad you enjoyed Bride & Prejudice.