Exclusive interview with Jane the Virgin’s Brett Dier

Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 5.34.50 PMBrett Dier plays detective Michael Cordero on the CW’s critically beloved Jane the Virgin. Now in its second season, Jane’s telenovela-style storytelling continues to be compelling must-see TV. (Seriously, if you’re not watching it, start immediately.)
As Jane navigates the world of new motherhood, she’s still trying to figure out her love life. Until recently Dier’s Michael looked like the answer to all of Jane’s questions. But after an incident left baby Mateo injured, Jane’s back to being uncertain about the future of her love life. Talk Nerdy With Us caught up with Dier to hear about his journey to Jane the Virgin, his hopes for Michael, and his dream guest stars. Read on to hear what Brett had to say!
What was your audition process like for Jane the Virgin?
Well! I was in Arizona with my girlfriend when I got the self tape request. So my amazing super talented, awesome girlfriend (I love this woman) and I put it on tape! They really liked what I did, So I flew back down to Los Angeles to meet Brad Silberling and Jennie Urman! I auditioned for them in person and made it through to the next round!  I went to test for it at CBS studios, where I met Gina. I was lucky enough to have her there reading with me, she was completely off book and connected. That definitely helped me get the role!  I found out the next day from Jennie Urman that I booked it! But under one circumstance. I was not allowed to improv. I tend to improv a lot in auditions and at work, but in this case they had a very specific vision of what they wanted with the story and the writing. So I said “DUH I won’t then!”… well not like that… But I said “yes I will not improv”. And now here I am. Shooting the second season! HALLELUJAH! 
Did you know right away what a special show it was? What drew you to the script?
I knew the script was great! That’s all I knew when I read the script. And what drew me to the script!? Honestly I needed a job! And I happened to get an opportunity where the script was FANTASTIC, with TALENTED WONDERFUL people attached. So I auditioned. And got lucky enough to book a pilot, and have it picked up. It just so happened to turn out as strong as the writing. Sometimes you read great material and it doesn’t turn out Well. In this case, the right people were involved, everyone was on the same page, and they made a great show. I’m just glad to be a small part of it. 
Would you say you are similar to your character Michael? What’s most different?
I think Michael has a lot of love to give and he is extremely passionate. And that is what we have in common. On another note: I love playing Michael. The dude has so much patience, and has been through so much, but still manages to pull through. I could defend MICHAEL all day long to those who think he’s something other than he is. He’s a great dude, who has gone through A LOT. Not to mention, he’s a detective. An EXTREMELY emotionally taxing job. Anyways,
What’s different? Well…. There’s a lot of difference from me and him. He’s a blue-collar kind of guy. I’m more of a yellowish-green-blue collar with bubble gum stains kind of guy. Does that make sense?
Jaime Camil is hilarious and the relationship between Michael and Rogelio is one of our favorites. Can we expect more from them this season?
I love working with Jaime. Been learning so much from him as an actor and as a professional. That’s what he is. When I think of Jaime, I think of a professional guy. All around. I HOPE we keep seeing more from these two, because I also love this relationship, and I love working with him! The scenes are so fun to do. 
What direction do you want Michael’s storyline to take in Season 2?
I’m not sure! Because each time I read a new episode, my direction changes in my mind. I want Michael to be happy. And to have a chance to let loose. He works so hard, and he is always struggling. The poor guy needs a break. 
What can you tease about Michael’s storyline this season?
Things get really hardcore. I don’t know what else to say other than, it’s the worse that Michael’s life gets thus far. But he will stay strong. 
Who would you like to have more scenes with on JTV?
I love a good ROGELIO and Michael scene. Could use more of those! Also I don’t get a chance to work with Andrea (Xo) or Ivonne (Alba). I’ve probably only had 1 scene with them one on one! Also love working with Yael! Petra is a really fun character to play opposite of. She does such a great job. 
The cast seems to be almost unanimously team Michael. Why do you think that is?
I pay them. Weekly. I also do laundry, and car washes on Wednesdays. I work hard for this!!
What do you enjoy best about working on JTV?
I really love to act. I just love it. And the material is great, the people are great and I never take a second for granted. It’s been a dream for me.
Ke$ha and Britney Spears just guest starred. So, if you could have another guest star appear on the show, who would it be?
Oh boy. Well I have a massive list of actors that I want to work with. So I could just start listing them! BUT, I really would love JIM Carrey to just randomly guest star somehow. That would be nuts. Rogelio’s best friend or something. And then ROGELIO introduces him to Michael, and then Michael and ROGELIO and Jim Carrey become BESTFRIENDS. They play paint ball together, and go on long walks on the beach. See movies, make snow men at Christmas..  and… Um… I got carried away…… So ya… Jim Carrey..

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