Cast Your Vote for Homeowner – Ryan Curtis’ Entry at Storyhive

Storyhive is a site by Telus that is offering grants for creative talent from Alberta and BC, Canada. The initial round of voting is to choose the top 30 (15 from Alberta, 15 from BC), each winning project will get $10.000 funding. All winning projects will be premiered on Telus optic tv on demand.
The ghostly figure that Mary has seen haunting her new house doesn’t appear to be vengeful, or angry. In fact it doesn’t appear to be anything but sad, so Mary isn’t too concerned if it stays, she just goes about her life day by day all the while the ghost just sits there, waiting, … patiently. What Mary doesn’t know is, this isn’t the lost soul of some long forgotten Victorian, in fact it’s not the ghost of someone who is dead at all. The ghost is in fact herself, well an older version of herself. It’s Mary’s old age, laying in wait for the perfect moment that it can pounce and take over Mary’s body. With the big job promotion, hefty mortgage and thinking about things such as retirement plans, that moment to pounce might come sooner than Mary expected.