Exclusive Interview with Young & Hungry’s Jonathan Sadowski

Photographer: John Hong
Stylist: Melissa Lynn Woodbury
Groomer: Tammy Yi
Recently, I had a chance to talk to Young & Hungry’s leading man Jonathan Sadowski about several things including if Gabi and Josh finally get together and guest starring on a future episode of Ghost Hunters!
You can find out more about what Jonathan is up to by following him on Twitter: @sadowski123
Follow Young & Hungry: @YoungandHungry
What made you decide that acting was for you?
“I’ve been on stage my entire life. I started doing magic shows at a really young age. I also started playing piano at a really young age. I was always doing recitals and talent shows. Stuff like that. Then in high school I was a part of the fine arts club. My high school didn’t have a theater program, it was an all guys high school. They put on a school play every year but I played sports. I couldn’t do theater so I was in the Fine Arts Club.
I went to see my first full-blown production in Chicago of The Phantom of the Opera. I remember coming home and telling my mom “I’m going to be an actor someday.” I was just blown away by the spectacle of it. That was what convinced me.”
Wow. That’s pretty cool. Is there any particular actor that inspires you? Who are some of your inspirations that you look up to?
“I’ve always looked up to Robin Williams. It was so messed me up when he passed away. For as long as I can remember I always said, “Robin is the most versatile actor. He does comedy. He can do like incredibly zany comedy. He can do subtle comedy. He’s also a brilliant dramatic actor.” I think the most important thing for an actor to do is be versatile. I really looked up to him. I think Daniel Day Lewis is a beast. I’d love to get inside his head for a day and just see what makes him tick. I think Matt Damon’s a great actor. I think he is awesome. I mean Meryl Streep’s amazing too. Being able to perform different roles, that’s what makes an actor great in my book.”
That’s a really good point. While you were on the series, American Dreams you were also bar tending?
“That is a true story. I was a recurring character on American Dreams so I still needed a bar tending job. Acting wasn’t enough for me to earn a living. Since I didn’t know when I was going to get an episode or when the next one would be. I didn’t know if I’d have two episodes in a row or if I’d have a three-week break in between episodes. I was bar tending and my agent and manager at the time would come to my bar on Sunday nights! There was a little TV and we would watch my episodes together while I was behind the bar. (laughs).”
That must have been surreal seeing yourself on TV while bar tending.
“Yup, it definitely kept me humble. I’ll tell you that!”
Let’s talk about Young & Hungry! What is going on with Josh and Gabi?
“It’s kind of the perfect relationship, You know. I think the best way to describe it is this: they bypassed the courtship and went straight to sleeping together and being involved in this intense complicated relationship. The way I see it is now they are trying to find the beginning. They are trying to go back to just being friends first and the courtship. They are doing things now that they didn’t do before they got involved. I think it’s good for them in this relationship. They are taking it slow and not being hasty. They’re becoming friends before they’re becoming lovers. I mean obviously they are both incredibly into each other. I can promise you that it’s going to be very interesting to see what happens this season. You are gonna flip out.”
I liked last week’s episode with Keegan Allen who guest starred.
“He is great isn’t he? He’s such a sweetheart too. He’s always such a sweet man. He’s really big into photography. He would always come to set with his camera, and he’d be snapping photos behind the scenes. Every time you turned around Keegan had his camera on you really close. (laughs).”
Do you think that we’ll finally see Josh and Gabi together?
“I already know what happens! I can say this. There’s going to be a wedding. There’s going to be a kiss. And there’s going to be a new business venture. Those are my three clues that I’ll give you.”
Now I’m intrigued!
“There you go! There’s lots going on. I mean these next ten episodes are the best that we shot. They’re just hysterical. The show keeps getting better and better.”
I’m looking forward to it! When do you start filming the new season?
“We start back up in November.”
Congratulations on getting the pickup by the way too.
“Yeah we are all pretty stoked. We have a good product and our cast clicks. We have producers that believe in the project, and the writing is great! . I think the audience is realizing that it’s a show they want to keep seeing. We fell into something special here!”
Do you have any crazy stories you want to share ? Every so often I’ll check on Twitter and Rex has some crazy pictures.
“I mean I have some stories. I don’t know how appropriate they are. (laughs). We have our guard down and we say what is on our mind when we’re together. If someone has gas they let the cast know they have gas. (laughs). It’s like watch out.
We are all very tight and very close. Last night we had dinner together – the five of us. We were just talking about how now we can completely be ourselves around each other. Before the show aired we were feeling each other out, and now we see each other everyday. It’s like everybody knows everybody’s problems. It’s amazing.
I hear that you recently got engaged too. Congratulations!
“I did! Thank you very much.”
I know you’ve produced. Do you have any plans to do more of that?
“I do, I do. I have two movies in development now. I also just wrote a sitcom myself. It’s good. I have ADD so when I’m not shooting, I need stuff to do. Writing for me is an outlook. It stops me from pulling hair out of my head. (laughs).”
Do you enjoy acting or writing more?
“They’re so different. Acting is awesome because it gives me a chance to step inside someone else’s skin. Writing is cool because I get my own ideas out. If that makes sense. They are each their own monster. (laughs). Sometimes, I just don’t feel like writing and sometimes I’m just glad I’m not acting. So, there a great compliment to each other.
Do you have any other projects that you’re working on?
“I recently did an episode of Geeks who Drink. It’s a game show hosted by Zachary Levi. I did that. I’m also pretty excited to say that I’m going to be a guest hunter on the TV show Ghost Hunters! Me and the cast are going to Delaware to this hunted museum. It’s going to be pretty cool.”
That is so awesome did you already tape that?
“No I leave on Monday actually. I’m pretty horrified. I got this nervous panic going on where I started thinking what if I scream? What if I come out looking completely like a sissy on national television? (laughs). I’m still willing to give it a whirl!”