Destiny: The Taken King Has Come

Tomorrow, fans of Bungie’s hit title “Destiny” will usher in Year Two + 1 week with the arrival of Oryx, the Taken King, and father to now-defunct Hive god, Crota. You may remember Crota as that guy you pulled the LAN cable on or the dude you shot in the face with a Gjallarhorn while slicing him up with a replica of his own sword you took off his knight buddy that you also destroyed.
We’ve shot the Templar from the floating platforms and pushed him off a cliff. Then we pushed Atheon off a cliff after using Death from Above to look badass shooting down into the Gorgon’s labyrinth. Maybe you even bladedanced across the jumping puzzle. (Sorry Warlocks.)
Then came The Dark Below. The Abyss. How many faked a friend out by telling them to jump down before the bridge was formed? Has anyone had their whole fireteam actually survive the drop yet? So much craziness in that raid, but the thrill of killing Crota on Hard for the first time. The thrill of soloing Crota for the first time just because you could. Man, we’ve had some great times.
But Year Two is here. We’ve had a fun time checking out Patch 2.0 this past week and getting ourselves revved up to go. There are new kinderguardians coming in and that’s not an insult like some believe. What it means is that it’s our job as veterans to help them. Show them the material farming runs. Find a new loot cave to call your own (rest in peace, Loot Cave). Have their backs throughout the entirety of Year Two just like we did for each other during Year One.
Because Oryx’s dreadnought is coming tomorrow and, on Friday, we’ll all have the chance to rain down Light on the Taken King. New supers, new weapons, new areas, and a new year. Let’s do this, Guardians.
Let’s become legend yet again.