Interview with Youtube Star iJustine at the MTV Fandom Awards

This past Thursday I had the opportunity to talk with Justine Ezarik, better known as iJustine. As one of today’s biggest webstars, she has the 5th largest social media following for a woman on the Internet. She is using her digital influence to inspire others into creating their own massive social reach, just as she did a couple of years ago. At the MTV Fandom Awards we talked about different ways that she interacts with her fans, her Comic Con experience, and more!


As a one of today’s biggest YouTubers, do you have any suggestions for people that want to expand their social influence?

“I think the main thing to realize is that you have a responsibility. When you have a following of people you have to know that when you post, a lot of those people are probably going to see it. It’s a lot of responsibility, but it’s also a whole lot of fun. You have the power to use your influence for good, for charity, and inspiring people to do more. You also have a responsibility to remain consistent and really care about what you are doing.”

You talk a little bit about this in your book, can you elaborate for people that haven’t gotten it yet?

“Yeah it’s super fun! I just really wanted people to read it then leave inspired. I started from the middle of nowhere, not even trying to do anything close to what I’m doing today. It’s okay to set goals, but if you have other things that veer off to other directions, don’t be afraid to go after it because you don’t know what will come of it.”

This year at Comic Con you have your own t-shirt, how did that come about?

“It was so fun! Every year I’ve been doing collaborations with this company called So So Happy. So this year my sister and I did best friend t-shirts. I was the best, she was the friends, I was the coffee, she was the donut. So it was just really fun and we got to hang out in the morning with a bunch of really cool fans.”

If you were a superhero, which one would you be? 

“That is really really difficult! I want to be a Ninja Turtle, I consider them to be superheroes, so I would go that route.”

Any turtle in particular? 

“Michelangelo, hands down! Pizza, he’s cool, I love it.”

What show are you currently nerding out over?

“Game of Thrones! I made the mistake of watching the season 5 finale and I’m only in the middle of season 3. So I need to catch up really quickly even though I already know what is going to happen. But I love the show! It’s so awesome!”

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