Review: The Maine ‘Imaginary Numbers’

Following-up the widely successful ‘Forever Halloween,’ The Maine return with their latest effort: Imaginary Numbers. Independently released by the band through EightyOneTwentyThree Management, this 5-track Acoustic EP showcases the band in their most raw, organic state. Stripped down, and far removed from the walls of sound that so often serve as their foundation, The Maine go back to basics on Imaginary Numbers in a manner that is both rustic and refreshing.
The EP opens with ‘Lovely Sad,’ a slow-tempo ballad with a distinct old-time feel — a lullaby of lamentations. Clean guitars and subtle piano combine to create the melancholic mood upon which John O’Callaghan’s bereaved vocals rest.
Ironically, Perfectly Out Of Key is very much in it — in touch with the insecurity and uncertainty that plagues existence. The desire to “disconnect” is a powerful central theme that is explored in full. With nothing but a piano, O’Callaghan lets his heart bleed onto the keys, and it’s this kind of introspective honesty — in both musicality and message — that is bound to resonate with listeners.
The EP continues on a pensive journey through the despondent depths of consciousness — a soundtrack suited for the searching of the soul. The continued use of subtle, minimalistic instrumentation provides the ideal backdrop for this ongoing reflection, with emphasis placed solely on the story being told.
Imaginary Numbers is a departure from the norm that may not suit everyone. Though The Maine is no stranger to ballads or the use of Acoustics, the slow-tempo may not appeal to those partial to the high energy outputs on previous releases. If listeners can keep an open mind, however, they will find The Maine in their most vulnerable (and arguably versatile) state. With its vivid depictions and authentic, lay-it-on-the-line approach, there is nothing imaginary about the numbers it will touch.
Buy the album on iTunes here: