The Fosters – "Hostile Acts"/"Quinceanera" 1×03/1×04


Hey there! It’s been two weeks and two episodes since my last Fosters review, but fear not, both episodes are talked about right here! I want to give a quick disclaimer, this is going to be a review, not a recap, so if you haven’t seen the episodes you might not know what I’m talking about, but I have a lot of feelings that I want to discuss! So here we go.

First off, I want to talk about Mariana. She is officially my least favorite character. She’s selfish. I was going to list more adjectives, but I think that about covers it. Not the whole Quince thing, because honestly, that’s one of my favorite things the show has done, more on that later, but the drugs thing. I honestly don’t think I could let anyone take the blame for me on something that big. I don’t. And I know for sure, my sister would NOT lie about something that big for me. It seems a little unrealistic and it continually angers me.


Mariana’s best friend, Lexie is dating her brother and it’s kinda weird. Mariana is pissed, which fine whatever, I think they are maybe over it (okay probably not), but the weird part is to see these fifteen year olds making out. Like, do fifteens year olds do that? I’m seventeen and I don’t do that! Is that like a thing fifteen year olds do regularly? I don’t know, but it freaks me out. (And let’s not talk about how attractive Jake T Austin (Jesus) is. Because last I remembered he was a twelve year old wizard, but he’s now the 18 year old hottie. When did that happen?)

Lena and Stef I am still okay with. They talk things out how I think adults probably do, and seem to make mostly responsible decisions. Except Lena. Who passed Jude so he could stay at this school with the other kids. Which indeed had me asking, “aren’t adults suppose to make good decisions?”, but it didn’t come up in the next episode, so hopefully it stays like that, because this family doesn’t need to be loosing an income. That would be bad.

I also really appreciate their choice to let Mariana have a Quinceanera. I live in an area that is mostly Hispanic and I’ve been to my fair share of Quinces, and I was even in one! It’s important to these girls to have this day, and not only is it a great way for Mariana to embrace her heritage, but it’s a great way for the writer’s to show teens watching ABCF about this culture! Props to you ABCF writers!1017117_208182722667206_48623766_n

Matt, Stef’s ex, just seems like an all around guy at this point. Sure he’s hurt and makes some rash decisions, but ultimately he loves his son, AND his ex-wife’s new family. He held Brandon, crying outside his apartment and in turn danced with Mariana at her Quince, and even help pay for it. I want him to get a love interest okay?

FOS_1003_Recap_QuickCut_HD1080p_ffa98e08-cac1-4260-bcc7-78e79398afea_5322968_sourceNow, time for my personal favorite Brandon. I’m kinda in love with him (which I’m a seventeen year old girl, it’s allowed okay). He’s shown super character development, and this actor, oh man, you can just see everything on his face. He’s so good. I’m rooting for him and Callie, and you can’t stop me. He FINALLY broke up with his girlfriend, Talya, who was just jealous of Callie, and okay, I hated her.

Callie looks to be having some romantic interests with a surfer/outcast boy. His hair is better than mine could dream of being and he stood with her in the journal thing with solidarity, so, honestly? I love him too. (It’s called being a multishipper, okay).

I’m still not in love with this show. Watching it, I feel it lasts forever. At first, I thought it was because I was waiting for Teen Wolf (my favorite show – I promise not all the shows I watch are teenage dramas), but I actually think it’s the pacing. I have teared up a couple times, and after that moment when Talya makes it evident she read Callie’s journal I totally screamed at my TV, but, and I think the Quince episode was the best pacing wise so far, but I’m still not sold.

My favorite thing about the show? The music is always so good. I don’t know who picks it, but they should get a pat on the back.

Anyway, I’ll be watching the next episode and as always I’ll be tweeting about it (@CareyGrace), so come talk about it! Till next time!

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