'Arrested Development' – What the Fans are Saying
Ok, ok you can stop pinching me now. I know it’s not a dream and the reason I know that it’s not a dream is because I’ve already seen the first few episodes on Netflix (I’m watching the rest later). If you haven’t seen them yet what in the hell are you doing reading this?!?! Pull up your Netflix account now, gorge on the awesomeness that is the Bluths and then come back and see what the other fans had to say about our favorite dysfunctional family.
#ArrestedDevelopment takes a #BreakingBad unlikability style turn with Michael this season, no? Guess he’s finally becoming a Bluth #AD2013
— Jonny Hughes (@heeereeesjonny) May 26, 2013
Anybody else learn how to properly melt chocolate while making frozen ‘nanas for their Arrested Development party tonight? #halfserious
— Nate Utesch (@nateutesch) May 26, 2013
As I go through Arrested Development I have learned that HOLY SHIT, THIS STORY LINE IS MORE INTRICATE THAN DOCTOR WHO.
— John Echo (@jecho7) May 26, 2013
Only I would get arrested for the first time on the day that Netflix releases a new season of Arrested Development. #GoBigOrGoHome
— Zachary Austen (@DashOfCuller) May 26, 2013
How am I not getting this Ostrich appearance?It’s very Twin Peaks.Am I losing my edge?Is it meta?#arresteddevelopment
— tinawit (@tinawit) May 26, 2013
At least if I have to be miserable and in pain recovering, I have a whole new season of Arrested Development.
— Kirsten Skwara (@itskirstennn) May 26, 2013
Halfway done with #ArrestedDevelopment and I have to stop because I am one more cameo away from an emotional breakdown
— Jaimie Huck (@jaimie_huck) May 26, 2013
I just thought a woman was Michael Cera, looks like I’m more excited about Arrested Development’s return than I realized.
— SarahElizabethYorke (@SarahBelle2208) May 26, 2013
I’ve not managed to watch any Arrested Development today. Stupid job and kid!
— Steve (@stevie_82uk) May 26, 2013
I hope all of you people Netflixing Arrested Development left enough bandwidth so I can catch up on Dawson’s Creek
— Sir Darb Renlim (@BradMilner) May 26, 2013
This debate over new Arrested Development is the perfect opportunity to admit I don’t get “Fresh Prince Of Bel Air” without scrutiny.
— DrewSpursDirtyMoney (@drewspurs) May 26, 2013
Doritos, Mtn Dew, and Arrested Development. This is how Jesus would want me to spend my Sunday.
— Haasome (@ScottyHaas) May 26, 2013
Arrested Development’s new season just came out and I have 6 hours of my Xbox Live Gold membership… This is quite the predicament…
— Cole Stuut (@colestuut) May 26, 2013