Movies That Can Put Your Relationship in Hot Water

watching movie

With Valentine’s day around the corner, many of us are planning dates to take our significant others on.  Now, if you’re like me, this date will probably include a movie.  I know what some of you are thinking:  Isn’t dinner and a movie a little overdone for Valentine’s day?  Well… probably.  But who cares?  Movies are cheap to go to in theaters and even cheaper to watch at home, so with the money you’re saving, you can buy a gift that really matters instead of chocolates that will be eaten or flowers that will die!

While most movies are pretty safe, there are some films that you may want to be cautious of when picking the right one for Valentine’s day, or even just a casual friday night.  Don’t get me  wrong, these aren’t all bad movies, just movies you may want to wait until you’re either by yourself or in a seriously committed relationship to watch.

The Hangover
I know that a lot of people LOVE this movie, but what I don’t get is why.  It took me about a year to see this movie, and when I finally did, I chuckled once.  I even gave The Hangover Part II a shot, and got about the same result, which is what has given birth to what I call “The Hangover effect.’  This is when movies are talked up SO much that they suck when you finally see them.  So how will this ruin your relationship?  If you’re with one of those people who LOVE this movie and you are like me and think it’s more stupid and overdone than anything, you’ll both leave disappointed.  One of you will be laughing, and the other one will bored out of their mind.  This also gives you an idea of what the other person thinks is funny.  If someone that liked The Hangover tells me to watch a movie, I go out of my way to avoid it because I know it will be awful.  So just skip the awkwardness this film leaves behind and avoid it.

How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days
There’s a reason I call this one “How to Lose a Guy in Ten Minutes.”  Not only will this film bore most guys, but it will annoy the crap out of them.  I’ve met so many girls that think this movie is funny enough to quote it all the time, which is a really bad thing considering it’s called “How to LOSE a Guy.”  If it was called “How to Keep a Guy and not Annoy Him Every Five Minutes,” I’d say quote away ladies.  It’s a well known fact around my circle of friends that if any girl calls me  “Benny Boo Boo Boo Boo Boo” I will turn around and leave.  If I was at my own wedding and the vows started with “I promise to take you, Benny Boo Boo,” I would turn around, leave the church and never look back. 
Ladies, it’s totally fine to love this movie, but PLEASE don’t drag us into it.

Films like “The Expendables”
Any shoot ’em up action flick riddled with guns and explosions can be dangerous territory.  When I watch movies like this, I don’t want to sit and talk, I want every one of my senses tuned into whatever is going on onscreen.  If you’re lucky enough to have a significant other who enjoys movies like this too, then you have no problem.  But if you don’t and halfway through the movie, the other person gets bored and starts talking or asking “Now who’s that guy” then you’d be better off watching them by yourself.  Plus, these movies are probably not the best pick for date night anyway… unless they’re scary, then by all means go for it!

The Vow
I can enjoy almost any kind of movie, chick flicks included (aside from the one above), and I thought this movie was well put together and had a good story.  Once my girlfriend and I got out of the movie, she asked me what I thought of it, then asked me if I would ever do that for her.  (For those who don’t know, this movie is about a woman who loses her memory of her husband and he spends about a year trying to get her to remember.)  I, being the honest person that I am, laughed and said “nope.”  What then followed was an extreme amount of verbal back-pedaling.  (In hindsight, the laughing was probably a poor choice.)  The fact of the matter is that this guy spends months trying to get her to remember using pictures, videos, and everything he can think of just for her to still not remember him. (Don’t worry I didn’t spoil anything.  The film takes place over like two years or something…)  I don’t know about you, but after the first two months, I’d probably throw in the towel… So if you see this movie, girls, please don’t ask guys that question… and guys, if they do ask the question, LIE. 

Movies with attractive people
You’re sitting in the movies, watching who knows what, when all of a sudden some guy jumps in front of the camera, rips off his shirt and all the girls start screaming over his rock hard abs (I’m talking to you Taylor Laughtner fans).  Or how about when a hot girl walks onscreen in nothing but a bikini made of fruit roll up?  Awkwardness is soon to follow.  Whether you’re screaming or pretending not to look, we all know you’re attracted to the person in the movie, and if you’re with your significant other you have an unwritten obligation to pretend not to notice, but we all know you’re noticing.  So unless you’re part of the 1% of people that actually look like they do in the movies, situations like this are best avoided.  There are exceptions to this, however.  Movies like “GI Joe” and “Star Trek” are safe because there’s something there for everybody.  The guys can sit back and watch decent action and the girls can watch decent bodies.  Everybody wins.  Movies like “Magic Mike” should be avoided, because although Olivia Munn is attractive, she can’t balance out the banana hammock scale… So leave films like those for when you’re with your friends and don’t bother to drag your significant other to it.

I cannot begin to stress the importance of choosing appropriate movies for your couple viewing experience.  With so many possibly hazardous situations, it can be difficult to find films that won’t potentially be awkward, as this is only a list of five films, but don’t worry!  There are many more good films to watch with your boy/girlfriend that your chances into running into situations are slim if you know what to look for. 

Have any other films put you in an awkward situation and your relationship in hot water?  Just put a comment below and share your story!



  1. Although I understand where you’re coming from with this, and I don’t have a male perspective, I have to say I disagree somewhat.
    How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is a silly rom com and The Vow is a sappy chick flick. They’re both good movies for what they’re worth, either some laughs with the girls or shedding a tear or two, and for Valentine’s dates loads of people go for the sappy chick flick. It’s a ‘holiday’ about love so mirroring that with a sappy chick flick usually works.
    Then again, films like The Expendables are great, although I know I’m probably a bit of an unusual girl for saying that. Hell, for Valentine’s this year I’m going to the new Die Hard over Safe Haven, and it was my choice. If you have a significant other with similar tastes then it shouldn’t be an immediate veto for the action movies anyway.
    I don’t know, maybe I’m a weird girl but I definitely prefer watching action movies in theatre with a guy than chick flicks, a big screen suits the explosions and whatever else might be in the movie.

  2. Although I understand where you’re coming from with this, and I don’t have a male perspective, I have to say I disagree somewhat.
    How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is a silly rom com and The Vow is a sappy chick flick. They’re both good movies for what they’re worth, either some laughs with the girls or shedding a tear or two, and for Valentine’s dates loads of people go for the sappy chick flick. It’s a ‘holiday’ about love so mirroring that with a sappy chick flick usually works.
    Then again, films like The Expendables are great, although I know I’m probably a bit of an unusual girl for saying that. Hell, for Valentine’s this year I’m going to the new Die Hard over Safe Haven, and it was my choice. If you have a significant other with similar tastes then it shouldn’t be an immediate veto for the action movies anyway.
    I don’t know, maybe I’m a weird girl but I definitely prefer watching action movies in theatre with a guy than chick flicks, a big screen suits the explosions and whatever else might be in the movie.

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