‘The Real World: St.Thomas’ Recap: Episode 12 "Season Finale"


The time has finally come.  We have all been waiting for the season finale of TRW St.Thomas. What a crazy season it has been! In the final episode, the relationships in the house have come to a final answer. Robb & Marie are now official after exchanging cultural bracelets confirming their affection, Trey & Laura continue to flirt but Trey will go on and pursue Chelsea back home, and Swift & Latoya are nothing. Absolutely nothing.

The cast members began their last night together partying hard and spending quality time together. The next morning everyone’s suit cases are packed with clothes and memories. They cast mates drop off Swift first who has chosen to stay on the Island instead of heading home. Swift really embraced his time there and wants to continue it in St.Thomas. The others head to the airport and prepare for their departures. The goodbyes are sad but the cast knows that they will see each other in the future. TRW  has completed another season. St. Thomas was one of the best seasons they have had yet. I wonder where their next designation will be.

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