All Time Low Release New Song "Outlines"

The popular alternative band All Time Low has released the fourth song off their upcoming album, set to be released on October 9th. “The Reckless and The Brave” came out early in the summer before the band headed out on Warped Tour, “For Baltimore” debuted late August, then more recently “Somewhere In Neverland” came out. But now on September 27th they released “Outlines” feat. Jason Vena of the band Acceptance. The new song is a deeper All Time Low song lyrically speaking, other than the heartfelt Therapy and Lullabies. With the lines “I’m just a moment, So don’t let me pass you by, We could be a story in the morning, But we’ll be a legend tonight”. Patrick Stump (Former Fall Out Boy singer) happened to be in the studio and pitched in with some co-writting for the song. This song has fantastic drumming that stands out which often gets pushed into the background in today’s current music. This song is so worth listening to and it can help you get even more pumped for the upcoming album DON’T PANIC!

Listen to the song here

Pre-order the album here

Buy tickets to the upcoming Rock Show at the End of the World Tour here

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