Interview with Solomon
Solomon is an American recording artist, producer, DJ, singer and songwriter from New York, born in San Diego.
He just recently released his new single “Life Goes On…” May 29th, 2012. It’s available on iTunes, so go check it out!
We got a chance to talk to him for a bit:
What first got you into music?
“I think it was, well, I first started doing music in about 2006 with a friend of mine. We had a rap group called the Black Market and we just started doing mixed tape stuff, freestyles and then we just decided to start working on individual projects. Then I started doing my own mixed tapes and was invited on Eminem’s Shade 45 show one summer and that’s kind of how it all started.”
Who are some of your biggest inspirations?
“I would definitely have to say just culture, a lot of art. Film, fashion those are like my biggest inspirations; emotion, sadness, those types of things inspire me. But as far as artists, I love Elton John a lot; I love his work. Frank Ocean, I love him. I love Madonna. Obviously love Michael Jackson. They’re definitely my musical inspirations.”
What is your favorite part about performing?
“Definitely have to say the energy, like, I love getting out there and testing songs. Sometimes I’ll perform a song before I release it so it lets me know if I’m going in the right direction. And honestly, this sounds horrible, but I love making mistakes and maybe hitting the wrong key or free-styling and doing things on the spot, I love that spontaneity.”
What do you consider to be your greatest success?
“I would have to say, this sounds all mushy and squishy, but definitely when my fans let me know thank you for “doing the music that you do” or “giving me an outlet” or “giving me inspiration.” Things like that. I definitely have some milestones and some great accomplishments, but I wouldn’t say that they’re my successes. I think it’s things that are less tangible.”
What are you views on gay artists in the music industry?
“I congratulate them, I like it when they do what all like Adam Lambert? His album went number one a couple weeks ago, so I have to congratulate him. I love his stuff and love people who are out there open about themselves.
The thing though, is that also there are some people that are not. I could care less about them, I think they’re cowards and horrible to lie to their fan-base. So the people who are out and open, I love it. But the people who are not, cause there’s a lot of them but they wont let you know.”
Do you consider yourself to be a role-model?
“I think I would consider an inspiration? But I guess I am, I would consider myself. I like that.”
Do you have any exciting plans for the future?
“Dropping this new remix EP in a couple months and doing more shows. And pushing the single out and further, then kind of seeing where it goes from there. Then hopefully start working on my debut album!”
Anything else to say to fans or new potential fans?
“I would just have to say: my single is available on iTunes and hopefully download it three times. Other than that, I would just have to say; just treat people with kindness and live in the moment.”
Authors: Alie Wilkins, Ellie Murray and Katy Brown