Interview with Deas Vail
Deas Vail is a pop/rock/indie band from Russellville Arkansas currently on tour with He Is We. The five-part band features Wesley – Vocals, Laura Beth – Keys, Justin – Bass, Andy – Guitar, and Wes – Drums. This band is for fans of The Shins, The Black Keys, and Radiohead. At the Denver stop of the Give It All tour Wesley, Laura Beth, and Justin gave us a quick interview.
For more from them you can check out .
How did you pick your band name?
Wesley: “We had a long list of different band names. Deas was one and Vail was another. It’s very random and it really doesn’t have a whole lot of story. We named our band in a time when we didn’t plan on being a professional anything; we were just doing it for fun.”
Justin: “So we just tried to make it impossible to say and spell.”
When did you start playing music together?
Laura Beth: “In college, 2004. Eight years ago.”
How did you get involved with the Give It All Tour?
Justin: “We knew the He Is We guys kind of and they knew of us and it was just kind of one of those things.”
Wes: “I went out to a show that they played in Nashville on their last tour and I got to meet Trevor. I’m not sure how it came up but our manager contacted their manager.”
Justin: “We were like, ‘Yeah, we know those guys and then our manager contacted their agent and the next day we got an offer to go on tour.”
Laura Beth: “That’s how it works folks, somebody knows somebody.”
Do you guys have any exciting plans for the summer besides this tour?
Laura Beth: “Waitin’ tables!”
Justin: “We’re planning on writing and it’s going to be a lot of fun. We’re excited about it.”
What is your weirdest fan experience?
Laura Beth: “Should we tell the army guy one? I guess he wasn’t really a fan though.”
Justin: “We’ve had some weird stuff. In six years of touring we’ve definitely had some weird experiences. But you know, even the weird ones are kind of endearing. All of our fans are pretty awesome.”
Laura Beth: “The weirder the more endearing, I would say.”
Justin: “We’ve stayed with a lot of people over the years and we’ve seen a lot of weird things but the people are always so kind so it kind of makes up for it. How about the nightly ‘take off your shirt’ thing. That’s weird enough for me.”
Wes: “Yeah, and then take off your pants right after.”
Justin: “It’s always awkward, we don’t like to do that, especially on stage. We’re a music group guys, not strippers.”
What is your favorite city to play in?
Justin: “Seattle.”
Laura Beth: “Seattle because you live there! You douche.”
Wes: “Every time we go through Salt Lake City it’s amazing.”
Justin: “Oh yeah! Salt Lake! Nevermind, I recant Salt Lake City is always amazing.”
Do you have anything you’d like to say to your fans or new potential fans?
Justin: “Thank you. And to new potential fans you should consider becoming our fans!”
Laura Beth: “Don’t miss out on what’s to come. You won’t regret it, we promise!”
Wes: “We are going back into writing mode after this tour so heads up for some new music soon!”