‘Big Brother 21’ recap: And then there was one

After a crazy double eviction, Sunday’s episode of Big Brother saw Tommy all alone in the house with four people targeting him for eviction this week.

In case you missed it, here is a recap of what went down in the latest episode.

All by himself

Tommy is now all alone after spending the majority of the season either in a eight person and six person alliance. Now, he knows he must win Head of Household (HOH) or he will likely see himself put up on the block again.

The show gave Tommy this big sympathy edit, but if you remember, Tommy made his enemies and played a shady game at times as well. Basically, he brought some of this upon himself.

BB at the movies

It was time to head to the movies as Big Brother 20’s Christopher and Bayleigh returned to host the HOH competition. The game is simple: all the houseguests have to do is recognize clues that correspond with the movie posters. The first person to five points is the winner.

To no one’s surprise, Jackson coasts through this competition and is the HOH once again. At this point, we know Holly is not going up and neither is Nicole, so that leaves just two people to be named as this week’s nominees.

Jackson does the obvious

At the nomination ceremony, Jackson nominates Cliff and Tommy for eviction. However, in the Diary Room, Nicole tells us viewers that she might decide to not be loyal to the final four deal she made with with Holly and Jackson. Will she actually betray them? We will find out later this week.

What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother continues on Wednesday night at 8/7c on CBS.

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