‘Big Brother 21’ recap: America sends a message to the former Six Shooters

Sunday night’s episode of Big Brother saw the viewers send a pretty clear message to three members of the former Six Shooters alliance. Elsewhere, Tommy’s Head of Household (HOH) reign began and the outsiders went to work to try to avoid the block.

In case you missed it, here’s a recap of what went down:

Tommy takes control

The episode kicks off following Tommy’s HOH win. We quickly see how both sides of the house reacted. Cliff, Jessica, and Kat are obviously worried as Cliff is feeling he’s going up. Meanwhile, Christie, Analyse, and Holly are over the moon. Jackson is upset because he wants Christie gone.

Tommy informs Christie that he is planning to nominate both Cliff and Kat, specifically targeting Kat because he doesn’t trust her playing both sides of the house. Uh, Tommy you were doing exactly the same thing two weeks ago but okay buddy. Anyway, Kat comes up to talk to Tommy but it goes nowhere. The two of them flat out just don’t trust each other.

America sends a message

It was time to play the “America’s Field Trip” competition and the viewers sent three houseguests a very obvious message. After eight days of voting, America decided to choose Analyse, Christie, and Jackson to play for the chance to win immunity. However, the loser would automatically be up for eviction.

Analyse thinks it’s an honor that she was voted by America for this competition. Jackson and Christie quickly figured out that the viewers likely voted them as the players because they are not well liked by the viewers. I’m surprised the universe didn’t tell Christie about that.

The “field trip” competition ended up being the classic egg chicken coop challenge, which is personally one of my favorites. The game might have looked simple but it wasn’t. You had to knock out the letters spelling the word “SAFE” with eggs and roll them down. Jackson struggled at first, but figured it out and ultimately won, meaning that he is now immune from eviction.

Analyse tried to throw the competition so that Christie could come in second, but Christie really struggled. I mean, she struggled so bad that I understand why this took four hours in real time to complete. The competition ended with Christie in last place and up for eviction.

Tommy’s nominations

At the nomination ceremony, Tommy nominated Cliff and Kat for eviction, leaving Kat in tears. Despite the edit suggesting it, Tommy was never going to make a last minute change to his nominations.

What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother continues Wednesday at 8/7c on CBS.

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