‘Big Brother 21’ recap: Old power, new rivals, and one big revelation

Big Brother continued on Sunday night and it was a packed show. It featured the first confrontation of the season, the final Whacktivity Comp, and one big revelation.

Let’s dive right into this recap, shall we?

Jackson’s bag of lies

Sunday’s episode kicks off following Kemi being sent to Camp Comeback. Viewers saw that Jackson was the lone vote to keep Kemi in the house and now we know why. He had planned to pin the rogue vote on Bella or Nick because he does not trust them. However, Nick is now the Head of Household (HoH) so Jackson went to Plan B and decides to blame Nicole for the vote.

It didn’t even take Jackson 30 minutes into the episode to come clean. He confides in Jack, telling him that he was actually the vote to save Kemi. Can we start taking bets on when this will come back to bite Jackson in the ass?

Kemi vs. Bella

We had our first confrontation of the season after nearly 25 days in the house. Kemi was called to the Diary Room when she overheard Bella ask something about Kemi’s eviction speech. The two girls raised their voices and nearly got into each other’s faces but nothing really came from it.

The return of an old power… sort of

The final Whacktivity Comp took place and it was pretty gross. Analyse, Nick, Jessica, and Christie had to sift through live cockroaches to sort out the clues to spell out “Don’t Meet Julie On Eviction Night.” It was pretty funny to watch Jessica go super slow because she was grossed out; that’s probably how I’d do it too.

Christie wins with a time of 7:41, earning the Diamond Power of Veto. This allows her to turn the Golden Power of veto into the Diamond Power of Veto, which – when used – would allow the veto holder to remove someone from the chopping block and name the replacement nominee instead of the HoH.

Nick plays it safe

For this week’s nominations, Nick was considering making a big move. He was talking to Bella about possibly putting Jackson or Jack up on the block because he knows they will come after him and Bella first. This would be huge, if not for the Camp Comeback twist. So Nick plays it safe this week and decides to nominate Cliff and Jessica for eviction.

What did you think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below!

Big Brother continues Wednesday night at 9/8c on CBS.

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