‘Big Brother 21’ recap: It’s Jack’s house and they’re all just living in it

Big Brother continued on Sunday night and it saw snakes enter the house in more ways than one.
So let’s jump into this recap, shall we?
Camp Comeback causes issues
In case you missed Wednesday’s episode, Julie Chen Moonves dropped another bomb on the houseguests: the first four people to be evicted would remain in the house as part of “Camp Comeback.” They are allowed to work on their social games, but cannot participate in any of the ceremonies or competitions. One of the first four boots will be able to return to the game. This episode picks up right after that twist was announced and has, of course, already caused some drama in the house, leaving both Jackson and Jack especially unhappy.
Ovi says he has no hard feelings towards his former houseguests for voting him out (how boring). However, David says in the Diary Room that he is still upset with Jackson for banishing him from the house and it is still weighing heavily on his mind.
Jack’s got the power!
Tommy, Jackson, Jack, Sam, and Holly are all taking part in this week’s Whacktivity competition, which involved snakes – and a lot of them. In fact, it made me think of Samuel L. Jackson’s infamous line from Snakes On A Plane. Anyway, the object of this competition was to correctly identify and match the three snakes in the cages by grabbing their identical match from bins of snakes.
The players sped through the challenge but Jack won in a whopping 45 seconds. Later, we find out that the “Chaos power” that Jack won gives him the power to do a new veto draw; that’s it – that’s the power. It’s actually pretty freaking lame compared to Ovi’s but Jack seems to believe this power is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Snake-y behavior
Bella, Jessica, Kemi and Nicole want to form an all-girls alliance and Jess thinks this will be the season that an all-girls alliance finally makes it far in the game. Uh, she might want to re-think that.
Since she’s in gr8ful, Bella goes to Jack and tells him all about the alliance to ensure her safety for another week. At the same time, she throws Jessica under the bus and blames on Jessica for starting it. This puts Jessica on Jack’s radar for nominations.
Jess all of a sudden decides to talk game with Jack for the first time and Jack immediately tells her that he’s heard that she tried to establish an all-girl alliance. Jess is shocked that someone would have ratter her out and she wants to find out who.
Jack’s nominations
At the nomination ceremony, Jack nominated Jessica and Kemi for eviction as we all expected, saying that while he respects their games, he heard they were targeting him.
What did you think of the show? Let me know in the comments below!
Big Brother continues Wednesday at 9/8c on CBS.