‘Celebrity Big Brother’ recap: Tom’s HoH and a mystery power causes paranoia

Celebrity Big Brother continued on Wednesday night as one celebrity slaughtered their way to an HoH win and one celebrity was given special power by America.

Wednesday’s episode picks up following Ryan’s eviction; we’ve got Tom and Kato feeling ecstatic and Lolo and Joey feeling upset and hurt. Lolo is crying because she feels like she betrayed Ryan, but knows it is time to move on. Spoiler alert: she didn’t move on.

Joey goes to Dina, Tamar, and Kandi and tells them they all need to team up to stop Kato, Tom, Lolo, and Natalie. Remember when Joey hated alliances? Ah, what a difference 14 days makes. Tamar shoots down the idea and that’s probably for the best.

It is time for the HoH competition, and in my opinion, it is one of the best HoH competitions in show history. The competition is called “Slaughter House”, which sees the celebrities going into a pitch black house, grab some keys to start the car and escape.

The only thing I did not love is the over the top screams from some of the houseguests, like Tamar who isn’t here for it. She takes one step into the ‘haunted house’ and runs out like she saw a ghost. Hilarious! Anyway, Tom finished with the fastest time and is the new HoH.

Tom goes to Ricky about joining the alliance with himself, Kato, Lolo, and Natalie. However, the former NFL star seems less than okay with it. This raises Tom’s suspicions and says he may want Ricky out this week via the backdoor. He goes to Kato to tell him his concerns about Ricky, but Kato tells him to just stay the course and get Joey out this week.

Later on, the Entertainment Tonight theme song comes on and we’re about to find out who won the Power of the Publicist twist. Tamar won it! This means she can pull herself off the block at the nomination ceremony or veto ceremony.

Tom is freaking out because he wants to know who has the power, even if it means nominating two people who he thinks has it.

At the nomination ceremony, he just does that. Tom puts up Kandi and Joey for the simple reason of him wanting to flush out the power and force it to be used.

Who will win the Power of Veto? Who will be evicted? Find out LIVE when Celebrity Big Brother on Saturday night at 8/7c on CBS during the third live eviction of the season with host Julie Chen Moonves.

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