Denver Comic Con 2016

I had the pleasure of attending Denver Comic Con this year over Father’s Day weekend. This pop culture convention began June 15–17, 2012, and was created as a program for the non-profit educational organization Comic Book Classroom. In its inaugural year 27,700 people attended. Since then DCC has grown at a Flash-like pace. In its fifth year, a record-breaking 114,900 fans visited the Colorado Convention Center to take part in the festivities.

Panels covered everything from cosplay, Wonder Woman’s 75th anniversary, DC comic’s Rebirth, genre literature, film, Star Trek’s 50th anniversary and a Karate Kid reunion.

The trade show floor boasted comics, collectibles and geek wares galore. Hundreds of comic creators, artists and authors were also on-hand to greet fans and sign their original work. Eager attendees could also get photos and/or autographs with their favorite stars in Celebrity Summit.

And let’s not forget the best draw of DCC: cosplay. Costumes ran the gamut from easy to elaborate. As for trends, you need only look to the countless variations of Deadpool and Star Wars characters walking the halls.

With something for everyone, the hardest decision came down to choosing which panels to attend. The guest list was impressive and it was impossible to catch everything you liked. That said, I was very lucky to see a number of personal faves. Here are highlights from my three days with slide shows for your viewing pleasure.

  shannaraThe Shannara Chronicles with Manu Bennett, John Rhys-Davies & Terry Brooks:  When John asked Terry how he writes he answered, “With fear.” Manu enjoys filming at home and being among people he’s known forever. Altogether the group raved about the experience making the show. In fact, John says it’s one of the best experiences he’s ever had and considering his career that really says something. He believes the show has the potential to be a long-lasting, big hit for MTV. So don’t prove him wrong. If you haven’t checked this fantasy show based on Brooks series make sure to do so!

lenaLena Headey: She’s bold, pointed, confident and, unlike, her character Cersei Lannister, has a great sense of humor. When she asked Conan Stevens, who plays Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane, if he could pick her up he merely said, “Yes, I can lift airplanes.” Lena talked about receiving a lot of online hate for using a body double for the Walk of Shame, she jokingly said Podrick Payne would take the Iron Throne, she once played drunken Hide & Seek with Peter Dinklage, who’d then pretend he was dead and of the Stark women, she’s inclined to root for Arya.      

iansIan Somerhalder: On the 1st day of filming the Vampire Diaires he decided to saran wrap Paul Wesley’s toilet, but thought better of the prank and undid it. He had a great time on Lost before they killed Boone off. Fans should know he has an understanding and connection with them far deeper than they think. And finally, when people tell him Damon should be with Elena he thinks, “Why? He killed off her whole fucking family.”

hillywoodHannah & Hilly Hindi: The adorable Hillywood sisters shared a number of their parody videos. After watching their take on The Walking Dead they told the audience they never use CGI, just practical effects. Next up is Sherlock! They shot the soon-to-be-released parody for 13 days straight and used the most locations ever. The duo initially broke out for their Twilight video and at the height of that release were actually mistaken for the movie’s cast at an appearance, even having their clothes torn off!

barrowmanJohn Barrowman:  With more energy than a preschooler hopped up on pixie stix, he danced out onto the stage in a Castiel dress, climbed into the audience to answer a fan’s question, danced with another fan sandwiched between him and his husband, soothed a crying baby, introduced the crowd to his parents and ended his highly entertaining panel with a gorgeous serenade. Basically he was EVERYTHING and worth the entire con.

JDMJeffrey Dean Morgan:  He’s having a career high playing Negan on The Walking Dead. The wise-cracking, foul-mouthed former teacher and ping-pong addict with a bat named Lucille is completely twisted and JDM LOVES it. For fans pissed that they didn’t learn who died in the finale he warns, “Be careful what you wish for.”  As for his John Winchester, he wants to return to Supernatural for the very last season, whenever that may be, and wrap up their storyline while having Jensen Ackles direct him. And as crazy as SPN’s fans are, nothing compares to the wildness he’s already witnessed with TWD.

PaulPaul Wesley: Rocking a beard from the play he just finished, Paul shared that the theater experience helped him break some bad actor habits and that Nina Dobrev had come to watch him the night before. He can’t wait to go back to the set and show up Ian with his sharpened skills. In his spare time he loves to travel, eat, go to the theater, snowboard and watch his latest TV obsession: Black Mirror.

Without question, Denver Comic Con has quickly grown into a-can’t-be-missed convention. For more information follow them on or at See you next year!

Cosplay Slide Show

Celebs @ DCC

Other things to see @ DCC


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