“Liv and Maddie” Sets Up Their Own Civil War

Spoilers ahead for those who have not watched Liv and Maddie, “Scoop-A-Rooney” – read at your own risk!
With Captain America: Civil War premiering in just over a week, fans are choosing sides: Team Cap or Team Ironman. But over at Disney Channel, a much bigger choice is looming.
It’s time for Liv and Maddie fans to choose: Team Josh or Team Diggie?
You do not want to miss #LivAndMaddie #ChooseARooney. May 8th at 9PM. #TeamMosh #TeamMiggie #RooneysAssemble pic.twitter.com/MTj398t3LZ
— Ron Hart (@Scatter) April 25, 2016
In “Scoop-A-Rooney”, the LAM team is visited by none other than Nancy O’Dell. After Liv tells Nancy in an interview that she has no time for a boyfriend, Nancy is stunned to see “Liv” out on a date with her co-star Josh. She breaks the news of the secret romance and chaos ensues.
Maddie pleads with Liv to continue pretending Liv and Josh were dating, since she hadn’t had the chance to tell Diggie yet and finding out on TV would be worst case scenario.
Holden, already upset with Liv because she didn’t bring their relationship into the open, is now even more upset with the world thinking Losh (Jiv? They don’t have a ship name) is a thing. As he adorably tells Liv, “I want to be your guy.” Cue hearts melting all over.
Despite her best efforts, Liv can’t make everyone happy, and Lolden meets its untimely, heartbreaking end. After an episode full of drama and emotions, audiences were stunned by the return of Diggie, played by Ryan McCartan. Diggie immediately knew that it was Maddie in the picture with Josh, not Liv, and returns from Australia for her.
McCartan had previously told Twitter he would no longer be on Disney Channel, as he is currently shooting FOX’s reboot of Rocky Horror Picture Show.
No… 🙁 I’m not on Disney Channel anymore because of Rocky Horror ? https://t.co/6X1Wn0i1DG
— Ryan McCartan (@ryanmccartan) April 1, 2016
He revealed after “Scoop-A-Rooney” that it was simply an elaborate April Fool’s joke.
I can’t believe you believed I wasn’t on Liv and Maddie anymore. I TWEETED THAT ON APRIL FOOLS DAY.
— Ryan McCartan (@ryanmccartan) April 25, 2016
McCartan was actually fairly pleased with himself, having fooled the media as well.
— Ryan McCartan (@ryanmccartan) April 25, 2016
Since the episode, social media has exploded with LAM fans choosing who they think Maddie should be with. Co-creators and executive producers of the show John Beck and Ron Hart have let fans know that the next episode, “Choose-A-Rooney” is going to be a good one.
The episode will air May 8th, giving fans two weeks to choose their side. It would appear we’ll also be seeing the wedding of Johnny Nimbus and Gemma!
While choosing Team Mosh or Team Miggie, John Beck has also issued another choice: who really broke up Lolden?
@nancyodell @TalkNerdyWithUs @DoveCameron @Jordan_Fisher who do you believe? #TeamBeck or #TeamNancy #LivAndMaddie
— John Beck (@JohnDBeckTV) April 25, 2016
There are lots of choices to be made over at Oops Doughnuts productions right now, and we can’t wait to see what comes! Who are you rooting for?