Chicago Crossover Relationship Ties The Knot

The hottest couple on television this week? Two middle-aged Chicago public servants.
Last night’s episode of Chicago Fire brought the unforgettable wedding of Mouch and Platt, who fans have lovingly come to refer to as Plouch. After some cold feet, a few pep talks and a few shots of vodka, the couple finally said, “I do.”
So let’s talk about why this relationship, two years in the making, is so important to the Chicago trilogy.
First and foremost, Plouch’s age. Mouch and Platt show that love can be found at any point in life. These two have both been dedicated to their careers their whole life, with little luck in the love department. These aren’t two fresh-faced youngins finding love like every other show on television.
And yet, their love story has been as cute and organic as any rom-com out there. When they met at Chief Boden’s wedding, they immediately had a spark. The relationship developed naturally, over a typical amount of time. They went on exciting dates (which created some friction on the wedding day) and gave the characters new life. It felt as real as any other relationship on the Chicago shows, and the fans ship it just as hard as they shipped Dawsey or Shayveride.
More than just representing a different demographic of the audience, Plouch’s wedding solidified several other relationships across the Chicago trilogy. Perhaps one of the funniest moments of the episode was shared between Platt, Burgess, and Dawson. When Trudy gets cold feet, Burgess and Dawson are there to give her a solid pep talk. Though Platt gets a little blunt, telling them how they can’t lock down a man, the friendship between the three is apparent.
Hermann and Mouch share some great buddy moments, as Hermann talked Mouch down from cancelling the wedding. Everyone comes together to help the couple through their big day.
To cap things off, this episode led to a bit of a twist. While Mouch and Platt are happily married, there might be trouble in paradise for Dawson and Casey. After Dawson reveals she’s happy with their relationship status and doesn’t want to get married, Casey’s face falls and he makes an abrupt exit to “congratulate Mouch.” This issue will most definitely resurface, and until then we wait with bated breath.