Jacob Hopkins Stuns in His Performance in “The Boy Who Cried Fish”

“The Boy Who Cried Fish” is a short film that features Jacob Hopkins in the lead role as an autistic child. The story revolves around Miranda (Breeda Wool), a single mother of an autistic child. Her life begins to fall to pieces when Adam (Hopkins) refuses to take off her blue bra. Things go from bad to worse, as Adam accidentally witnesses a violent act on TV, and carries the burden of what he saw when faced with a similar situation. Miranda is forced to find a way of coping, as she realizes how the personal intertwines with the universal.
Hopkins is best known for his role as the voice of the main character Gumball Watterson on Cartoon Network’s show “The Amazing World of Gumball” and will next be seen in the lead role as Miller in the CBS Film’s “Middle School:: The Worst Years of My Life” set to hit theaters October 7th 2016.
“The Boy Who Cried Fish” will screen as part of the Beverly Hills Film Festival on Saturday, April 9 at 7:30 PM.
The Boy Who Cried Fish Beverly Hills Film Festival Page: http://bhff.festivalgenius.com/2016/films/the boy whocriedfish2_daliamusaad_bhf2016
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/theboywhocriedfish/?frer=ts
Jacob Hopkins’ Twitter handle is @HopkinsJacob5