WCW Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston is known for many roles, and depending on which fandom you belong to, you might know her differently than others. The soon-to-be-birthday girl (March 11th) hails from London and has acted on both sides of the Atlantic.
The first time Alex flew on my radar was back in the 90s when she played Dr. Elizabeth Corday on E.R. Her character was a talented surgeon who went on to marry Mark Greene. Sticking with NBC, she went on to guest star several times on Law & Order: SVU as defense attorney Miranda Pond. And yes, many Whovians weep at the name.
Speaking of Whovians, Alex is extremely well-known on Doctor Who as River Song, who we first meet at her death. Luckily her timeline is in reverse that of the Doctor’s so we get to see some pieces of her life.
Recently (if you consider two years ago “recent”) fans have spotted Kingston on Arrow as Dinah Lance.
You can next see Alex in Happily Ever After out later this year.