Passion Pit’s New Single: "I'll Be Alright"

Passion Pit recently put up a stream on Soundclound of another new single from their upcoming album, “Gossamer” which is released July 24.

A few weeks ago, they released “Take a Walk” for listeners and that track did not impress me. Despite it’s catchy chorus, I felt that it lacked that Passion Pit charm that I fell in love with. Something that their new single, “I’ll be Alright” brings with a punch.

This new track reminds me of their “Manners” album and features the screechy, high pitched vocals and deep, fast synth chords that puts this song high on my list of favorite Passion Pit songs. It’s tracks like this that get me excited for their new album and I’m so glad we were able to get a glimpse of it.

Take a listen for yourself and then pre-order their new album at the Passion Pit website.

[soundcloud url=”″ iframe=”true” /]
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