“Blood Debts” Arrow Mid-Season Premiere

As far as mid-season finales go, Arrow’s was brutal. I won’t spoil anything, but as an Olicity shipper it was heart wrenching. But let’s look forward!

The photos that have come out this week of the upcoming mid-season premiere are intense, but seem to be far away from answers.

Lonnie Machin, played by Alexander Calvert, is back in town and now going by Anarky.

Alexander Calvert as Anarky
Alexander Calvert as Anarky

Oliver goes to face Damien Darhk after the happenings of the last episode.

Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk and Stephen Amell as The Arrow
Pictured (L-R): Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk and Stephen Amell as The Arrow

And it looks like Speedy and Green Arrow get a second shot at Anarky.

Willa Holland as Speedy, Stephen Amell as The Arrow and Alexander Calvert as Anarky
Willa Holland as Speedy, Stephen Amell as The Arrow and Alexander Calvert as Anarky


Tune in Wednesday January 20th at 8PM/7c on The CW!

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