Get to Know the New Writers of Talk Nerdy With Us

The online entertainment magazine Talk Nerdy With Us is growing as new writers are being welcomed into the family. Like the other Talk Nerdy With Us writers, these newbies possess writing talent as well as the fun-loving nerdy qualities that make them a perfect fit for Talk Nerdy With Us.
Let’s get to know these new writers.
What are your hobbies?
Sam: Right now, anything that involves Shadowhunters. I’m on my Tumblr blog whenever I have a spare moment writing and fangirling and helping folks get the information they need about the show. I like drawing and dreaming and making To-Do lists that I never entirely fulfil. I also like sleeping. I like curling up in bed and wasting time on the rare occasions I have time to waste!
Dened: “Surprisingly enough, as a film student, my hobbies are very career oriented! I enjoy photography a great deal and I always take a book with me no matter where I’m going because I love to read. Other than that, does marathoning Netflix shows all day counts as a hobby, too?”
Allie: “I am sure I speak with the majority when I say that most of my hobbies include media. I watch a lot of T.V. and on occasion, I enjoy a good movie too. As always, I dedicate quite a large amount of time to writing. I also spend a majority of my time on social media as an advocate for my favorite T.V. shows.”
Monica: “I’m obsessed with reading. I also love playing with technology anything with gadgets, anything new anything from Apple is for me. I also seem to find myself on the computer constantly researching celebrities and trying to get the latest information on them so I know everything. I also love writing short stories, interviewing, and doing public relations and marketing.”
Allison: “I am a self-proclaimed TV addict. I follow more television than an average person should. I also love to do puzzles, cross stitch, volunteer at conventions and meet new people!”
What TV, books and movies do you enjoy?
Sam: “I love fantasy. I’m hugely Marvel-biased and I enjoy what they’re doing with the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe. I love mythology-based storytelling too. Constantine and Serenity are two of my favourite films of all time. Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Supernatural, Shadowhunters. I’m currently getting into Maggie Stiefvater’s Raven Cycle book series. I’m also generally just a fan of anything that can take me into another world or make me laugh. I will be watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. reruns when I’m 90 years old.”
Dened: “I enjoy almost every genre when it comes to movies, television and books. From the always beloved Harry Potter to iconic movies like Star Wars, I’m a fan of anything well written, as simple as that. But, I do have some favorite TV shows that I’m currently obsessed with, like The 100, Person of Interest, Jane The Virgin, Jessica Jones, Homeland, Supergirl, Agent Carter and I can keep going, but I think you get the idea.”
Allie: “I will admit, I’m not a huge book reader. If anything, I spend most of my time on Archive of Our Own. Combing through the piles of stories from hardworking authors in the fanfiction world. I enjoy T.V. much more than I do anything else. Some of the shows that I watch are: Stitchers, Arrow, The Flash, Agents of Shield, Doctor Who, Supergirl, Sleepy Hollow, Bones, and Brooklyn 99.
For movies, I enjoy the classics. Also, of course Superhero movies and Franchise movies like Star Wars!”
Monica: “I read all the time so it’s really hard to pick one particular book. But I enjoy reading fiction and nonfiction too. I also really enjoy reading memoirs and biographies. For television and movies I will literally watch anything and everything. The first TV show that I was obsessed with was Dawson’s Creek and the first movie was Titanic. Since then you pretty much can’t get me away from a screen. I should also mention one of my favorite movies of all time is called Defending Your Life with Albert Brooks, if you haven’t seen it go rent it!”
Allison: “Strictly speaking, I love all the things. Most recently I’ve been watching The X-Files to brush up for the reboot and loving it. I am currently obsessed with all things Star Wars. And the book I’ve been enjoying most recently is The Martian.”
What makes you a nerd?
Sam: “My passion. I think anything that you’re passionate about. The term ‘nerd’ used to have such negative connotations, but it’s morphed into something that’s really all about embracing who you are and being passionate about what you love.”
Dened: “I love science fiction, superheroes, magic, video games and basically anything that has to do with being a geek. I’m not really sure how this makes me a nerd, I certainly don’t mind.”
Allie: “From the moment I was a little girl, I always wondered why I seemed so different. It wasn’t something that I could physically see and that was frustrating. I grew up finding my self through the many characters that I saw on T.V. or read about in books. I developed a fascination with a variety of unique universes and I didn’t stop there. For me, the most important thing Is that I never feel ashamed for being a nerd. People have snickered at me, rolled their eyes, and even made fun of me right to my face because of my obsessions. But, they are things that truly make me happy, no matter how silly they may seem.”
Monica: “I’m proud to be considered a nerd. What makes me a nerd is the fact that I can watch a television show or movie and right after it’s over I can recite every single line and every scene after watching it. If you’re not hearing me talk about television shows and movies that I just saw your listening to news articles I just read on celebrities. Or research that I just found online or my recent articles that I just wrote. Basically, I’m a walking, talking entertainment machine. Thus my friends I have always called me a nerd for entertainment for as long as I can remember and I have made a career out of it.”
Allison: “In the words of Zachary Levi ‘Everyone is nerdy about something.”
Why did you want to write for Talk Nerdy With Us?
Sam: “To spread my nerdiness to a greater community and work with like-minded individuals! I have such love for what I do in a fandom, and being able to expand on that seemed like the next logical step. Plus, I’ve been waiting for Shadowhunters since I started the Mortal Instruments books years ago, and being able to kind of chronicle my experience with the television adaption is going to be amazing.”
Dened: “I wanted to write for the TNWU team because of the passion and enthusiasm always displayed in every single article. We’re a very passionate bunch, and I love it! Oh, and I guess I also wanted to share my thoughts regarding my favorite movies, TV shows, characters and actors with anyone willing to listen.”
Allie: “I wanted to write for TNWU because of its sense of togetherness. I want to bring people together while we celebrate our favorite things and what better way of getting to do that than using my abilities as a writer to share what I love with other people. Social media has become such a monumental part of our everyday lives that I felt a way to connect with everyone was to write for an amazing blog like Talk Nerdy. Connecting and bringing people together to celebrate being a nerd is why I do what I do. I so look forward to what 2016 has in store for me.”
Monica: “I wanted to write for this website because I am constantly checking it and reading about different television shows and news. I enjoyed that there was always information coming on a constant basis with new content which is something that I’m always looking for on the website. I also really enjoy the interaction with live tweeting on the Twitter account. So between all the information that I get from reading all the articles, the alerts from all the brand-new news, the exclusives, the interviews and then of course the interactive-ness with the Twitter account I knew this is the place I want to write for.”
Allison: “I love the content promoted here on TNWU, but most of all, I love that it’s ran by women. No other nerdy website will you see so many bylines with a women’s name next to it. I just felt like this was the perfect place for me to share all my random nerd knowledge!”