Album Review: Seaway’s “Colour Blind”


Hailing from Ontario, Canada, Seaway is a five-man pop-punk band whose uptempo rhythm hearkens back to my college days. Drawing inspiration from bands such as Blink-182 and Sum-41, they aim to push the boundaries of the genre further, and this album accomplishes that. This thirty-something feels half her age when listening to this energetic album. As they sing in the first track, Slam, I feel like, as they say, “Everything is cool, man.”

Each of the twelve tracks is both unique and cohesive, juxtaposing both a happy enthusiasm and a bitter edge seamlessly between one track and the next. One song tells of a girl who “could be the best mistake/that I’ve just been dying to make,” while another chastises those who think they are a “Big Deal.”

I highly recommend this album for those who grew up on bands like Blink-182. It provides a healthy dose of nostalgia while introducing a new sound and new songs to play on repeat for hours on end.

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