Exclusive Interview with Below Deck’s Emile Kotze

Talk Nerdy With Us had the chance to chat with Below Decks’ Emile Kotze. Read our interview below where we discuss Eros food, past seasons and the Rocky drama. Below Deck airs Tuesdays at 9pm on Bravo.
How was your first season on Below Deck? Everything you expected?
It was certainly an experience! It was a mixed bag of emotions – There has definitely been some tension and scrutiny amongst the crew, but also some crazy fun times dealing with the charter guests too.
How did you get involved with Below Deck?
I was contacted via Email. I then sent through my resume and from there the casting producer handled it.
Did you watch earlier seasons?
After receiving confirmation that they wanted me on the show, I downloaded the previous season to see what I would be getting into.
Best place you have visited while working on a Yacht?
The Dominican Republic!
The charter guests’ food on Eros seemed to be pretty repetitive. Was the staff’s food the same way?
Yes it was the same.
What was the best meal you ate onboard.
Filet and lobster.
Do you and Rocky still stay in touch?
Has it been painful watching this half of the season? Yes. Rocky and I are still friends and I try to keep her spirits up while we relive the season, but she is a very passionate girl! It has been rather painful to watch the first half of the season, but this is life aboard the “Eros” for better or for worse. The best of the season is yet to come, so I am a bit nervous to see how it all wraps up.
Seeing the season now, are you still on team Leon in this Kate/Leon war?
I was never on “a team” per se, I merely thought I was sticking up for a friend. In the meantime, I became friends with Kate and I do see her side of things. If I could do it all over again, I would have told Leon to relax and be more accommodating to Kate. She was just trying to make the charter an unforgettable experience for the guests. It’s a shame that they could not get along as I think that both of them are good at what they do, respectively!
What can you tease about the upcoming episodes?
Hmm…well lets just say “honestly” not so much (pun intended). We will see how truthful some people are or not… But I guess they finally reveal who they really are.
Would you return to future seasons of Below Deck if you could?
We will have to wait and see!
Do you keep in touch with anyone?
I have messaged everybody and have been in touch with all the crew. But out of all of them, Ben and I have a really good friendship. I have also spoken to some previous cast members from past seasons as well to get some advice along the way.
Our site is called Talk Nerdy With Us, so what do you “nerd out” about?
Hmm…I guess history and travel! I am a true nerd. (Laughs).