An Evening with HBO Now

Last night I had the opportunity to attend a Geeks Who Drink event sponsored by HBO Now in Austin, TX.  My thoughts below:

  1. I never realized how much of an introvert I was until I showed up alone.  My +1 came down sick and no one else was available to join.  But you know what?  I took an opportunity to turn my social anxiety into a teachable moment and put myself out there.
  2. FREE STUFF.  The event was held at The Highball, a bar located just off of the Alamo Drafthouse.  That meant free food (sliders, fries, cookies, meat sticks YUM), free drinks (each person received 3 drink tickets good for beer/wine/sodas [I stuck with Dr. Pepper thankyouverymuch]), and free swag.
  3. The team names.  My team (which consisted of two lovely ladies who were sitting next to me and let me crash their table) decided on the name “We Know More Than Jon Snow.”  I can’t remember all of the team names from the event (there were 21 in all), but one that stuck out was “You Know Nothing, Jon from Cincinnati.”  Basically every team went with something HBO-related and that was fine by me!
  4. This event made me realize how little I know about HBO.  I’ve never had HBO in my life and have seen maybe a handful of shows in the past few years (Game of Thrones being one because of course).  Thankfully my teammates knew a lot more trivia answers.  One of the rounds was titled “Selina or Ari” and we had to guess who said the quote.  We bombed that one, and also the video round where we had to name the character.  I knew one: Bran Stark.
  5. HBO knows how to dole out prizes, let me tell ya!  My teammates have attended several trivia nights where prizes usually consist of a gift card.  But HBO squashed all of that.  Each member of the 1st place team took home an Apple TV.   The 2nd place team received HBO hoodies and the 3rd place team received portable electronic device chargers.  WINNING.
  6. So how did my team do?  We placed 17th out of 21.  At least we weren’t last?  But none of us won anything, including prizes for the bonus questions in between each round.  Granted, we had the right answers, but our names weren’t called.
  7. Would I do this again?  IN A HEARTBEAT!

HBO Now is available for $15 a month without a cable subscription.

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