No Dry County “The Night Before” Album Review

Okay, guys, I’m going to introduce y’all to a band I’m sure you’ve never heard of. No Dry County is based out of my hometown, Lubbock, Texas, and they are just one of the best parts of the local music scene. (Seriously, Lubbock has some phenomenal musicians, and they all deserve the spotlight.) A mixture of Americana, rock and roll and alternative, No Dry County is rarely, if ever, boring. Confident lyrics, strong vocals, and incredibly catchy melodies makes “The Night Before” one of my favorite albums of the year.
No Dry County started as most bands are wont to do — cover 80s music — but soon began introducing fans to original music and it’s then that their journey truly began. No Dry County has a depth to them that can’t be explained in a single review — simply put, their contagious music sounds like success. With their first full-length album behind them the band has finally found their sound and I couldn’t be more happy. West Texas is a wide, vast landscape and No Dry County fills the void wonderfully. Many of the lyrics are about being on the road and heading home which definitely fits within the West Texas narrative — it’s a place you desperately want to escape from but some force just keeps pulling you back in. That’s what No Dry County is: a band with big dreams but who stay grounded and remember their roots. What more can you ask for?
Earlier this week the band released a video of their latest single, Tupelo, and it’s full of greatness. It’s just what the band’s about: brotherhood, solidarity and community.
If you can’t listen to the whole album (available here on Spotify) then do your self a favor and listen to the following songs: “Tupelo”, “Then We Left Town” “Crazed Young Love” and “Roses”.