Pretty Little Liars. Season 6, Episode 1: Game on, Charles.

Liars! PLL is back! Was it just me or did it feel like the season 6 premiere came out a BANG? Wow, so many emotions. Many scenes had me jumping for my life!
I thought the premiere was great. It brought an even more sense of darkness in this show that it already had. A aka Charles DiLaurentis is one creepy villain, I tell ya!
The premiere kicked off where the girls are still trapped in A’s dollhouse lair, but trapped again outside of it with only the electrical fence in their way to escape. A’s punishment to them for deceiving him last season? Leaving them out to soak in the cold rain and the dirt for what could be days. So cruel!
We got a peek of what “the hole” was as A puts Mona (Janel Parrish) in there. Poor Mona, seems like she’s the one that’s been getting tortured the most out of Aria (Lucy Hale), Spencer (Troian Bellisario), Hanna (Ashley Benson) and Emily (Shay Mitchell).
Here are some of the OMG scenes that got me all rattled up:
When Hanna looks straight into the camera that Charles watches their every move in and directly says to him: “You may be a dude, but you’re still a bitch.” Ooh, bet that got him heated.
When A gassed the girls and took away Mona from them. The girls woke up on a metal table, stripped from their clothes and a white sheet on top of them. Felt like an actually morgue, but like how terrifying is that? Did Charles actually strip them naked? *chills*
When the girls were sent into their ghost bedrooms for a “surprise” we were only left with gasps and frightful screams as their doors closes shut behind them. What happened to them? What did Charles do to them that they all refused to even talk about it when they were reunited again?
It’s not only Aria, Spencer, Hanna, Emily and Mona that are trapped in A’s dollhouse lair, but there is also another girl. Sara Harvey…she went missing the same time Alison did.
When Spencer looked dead into the camera, and fiercely says, “Game on, Charles” as her and the girls burn all of Charles’ childhood videos and any memorable item he had as a child. Nice one, ladies! That’ll teach him a lesson, at least!
This part I squealed at!- As Emily asks Aria to take down the curtains as they were torching the room on fire, surprise surprise…A aka Charles is behind the other side of the window staring them down with his gas mask on. S-C-A-R-Y!
And finally, when Alison teamed up with Ezra and Caleb to find the girls. That reunion had me teary-eyed. Glad that girls were saved!
I am beyond stoked for Season 6 and all the surprises its going to have. I’m ready for more thrill, gasps and OMG moments. Are you?
Catch up with all new episodes of Pretty Little Liars this summer, Tuesdays at 8/7c only on ABC Family!