'Big Brother' – What the Fans are Saying
Reality television has never actually been my thing. Sure I have fallen for some reality shows, like I am sure most of us have been guilty of on occasion. I love CBS The Amazing Race and I can not get enough of Little People, Big World. I even watch So You Think You Can Dance every summer and have since the second season. But aside from those shows me and reality television have for the most part remained on separate sides of the fence. I do not get the appeal of shows like Beverly Hills Housewife or whatever it’s called and you couldn’t pay me to watch a show about the Kardashians. Now don’t get me wrong I am not one of those hipsters who think they are too good for shows like Big Brother I just prefer other forms of entertainment. Of course I would be lying if I said that I have never seen a season of Big Brother because I have. Although off the top of my head I can’t remember anything about that season or who won. However unlike myself Big Brother has tons of very vocal fans and here is what they had to say about the latest episode.
When people talk about “this game” or “my game” I just wanna slap somebody #BigBrother
— Trae Roberts (@rpr3) July 3, 2013
Lmao, Candice be like “I’m not gonna go in the corner and cry,” bitch you just did! #bigbrother
— Marlee☀ (@marlzallday) July 3, 2013
These houseguests are absolutely crazy; I want the old big brother back! Too much boy crazy girls and idiotic guys #bb15
— leah (@paterrnostro) July 3, 2013
I feel like Jeremy could have been Tum Tum from the 3 Ninjas #bigbrother
— Kellie Williams (@kwilly1212) July 3, 2013
Some of the people on big brother is on a whole other level of stupid. The moving company seems like the only good strategy so far.
— mallory (@malloreally) July 3, 2013
How skanky are these #bigbrother people anyway? Racist remarks and instant showmances? High school wasn’t this bad.
— Bruce R. Miller (@siouxbruce) July 3, 2013
— Cam Horan (@CamHoran) July 3, 2013
90% of the big brother cast this season has an iq of like 12 omg
— kateeelynnn (@cudd13) July 3, 2013
Big brother is on and after watching it, I now have a huge urge to buy a minivan and accumulate debt to Clinique for cosmetics.
— colleen howard. (@colleenhoward1) July 3, 2013
If you don’t watch #bigbrother you need to reevaluate your life.
— ѕуđиι σɾσzçσ (@SydniOrozco) July 3, 2013
I can’t listen to this chick on big brother. Just stop crying no one likes you
— Tyler Rheinhardt (@TJRheart) July 3, 2013
@EvelDick stupidest cast ever, it’s like a bad episode & combination of real world/jersey shore…worse then big brother Canada.
— Allie (@AToyne) July 3, 2013
Thank you bigbrother gods send her annoying ass home!! #elissa #BB15
— curtis barker (@CbGoBLUE20) July 3, 2013