Interview with The Runaround

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The Runaround consists of Michael Cookson (vocals//guitar), Colton Mabry (bass//vocals), Paul Ayres (guitar//vocals) and Mackenzie Christensen (drums). They formed in 2010 and released their first single “Can I See”. In 2012 they released their self-titled EP. Today, the band released their new album “Without All The Weight”, which “expresses the idea that a person is who they are based on everything life has thrown in their direction, and embracing each one of those experiences for what it is”. Purchase WATW on iTunes! We had the opportunity to chat with Mike and Mackenzie! Read our interview below, and be sure to ‘like’ The Runaround on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter.

How did you guys meet/form?

Michael: “We all actually live really close to each other. I had a solo acoustic project years ago, and then because of word of mouth some of my old colleges from High School got in touch with me about starting a band. We weren’t actually friends when this began, which is weird, since we all went to HS together, but now we’re all great friends [laughs]!

Mackenzie: “Mike and I used to skate together too!”

What was the inspiration behind “Annie Can’t Wear Heels To Prom”?

Michael: “The title or the song?”


Michael: “I came up with the title when I was at the casino. It was during prom season, and I overheard a conversation between these two girls. The one girl was laughing at her friend and said “Annie can’t wear heels to prom”. I turned around and one of the girls was SUPER tall, while the other was really short. I thought it was the funniest thing and view [laughs]. I felt like the title applied to the song, because the song is about people not supporting each other due to their differences.”

Your album “Without All The Weight” came out today! Can you tell us a bit about it?

Michael: “We recorded it at the Maximum Sound Studios with Gary Cioffi. We spent about a month doing original tracking, and then a few months more laying down vocals. John Dello Iacono helped out a lot. He engineered the album. We learned a lot from John and Gary! Recording “Without All The Weight” helped bring our band to the next level!

Mackenzie: “This album has a very wide range of musical taste! We think and hope a lot of people will dig it! I really dig it. It has a few heavy songs. I learned a lot from being in the studio.”

Michael: “This album is like a roller coaster. Each song has a completely different feeling and takes you on its own ride.”

Mackenzie: “Definitely.”

How have you guys evolved musically from your 2012 EP?

Michael: “That EP was written by me on my laptop. We were barely a band when I wrote those songs. “Without All The Weight” brought us all together, and it was a collaborative project. We wrote this album together as a band. It came out much better. We all grew from our EP, and four brains is always better than one. We learned how to be better musicians by playing shows too. We definitely learned from our mistakes, and learned what works for us.”

Do you have a favorite track off of “Without All The Weight”?

Michael: “Escaper is my favorite. It’s the third track, and it’s the most pop/rockish song on the album. It’s about the ups and downs of a relationship, and realizing that you should stick it out. I think musically, emotionally and lyrically Escaper has this great vibe. Listening to it puts me in that great mood.”

Mackenzie: “Escaper is my favorite to play live, but Without All The Weigh (ft. Mike D’Andrea of Premier) is my favorite track to listen to now. It’s a really catchy tune and the chorus is sick!”

Do you guys have any big plans for tonight? Having a release party?

Michael: “We’re having the CD release show on May 31st at the El N Gee club in CT. A bunch of our friends are playing that show with us: Real Talk, Angry Bears, Fourth & Goal, The Fall Effect, I Was Left On A Mountain, Newbury and The Miles Kept. We’re super excited for it! It will also be the first night of our tour!

Besides CT, is there another state you’d guys to love to play in?

Michael: “California! That’s always been a dream of mine.”

Mackenzie: “California, definitely. That would be sick. We also haven’t played in Boston, and I’d really like to. I actually don’t live in Connecticut. I live closer to Boston, so I think a Boston show would feel really homey.”

What’s the best thing a fan has said to you after a show?

Michael: “Most of our fans are musicians from other bands. At the last show this new band approached us and told us they look up to us. They were stoked that they got to play with us, and that was such a cool feeling. Nothing like that has ever happened to me before.”

Lighting Round:


Favorite TV show?

Michael: South Park. Mackenzie: HIMYM

Favorite Holiday?

Michael: Christmas. Mackenzie: Halloween.

Favorite Website?

Michael: YouTube. Mackenzie:








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