Interview with Time Will Tell

Time Will Tell is a six piece pop-punk band from Southfield, New Jersey, composed of Christopher Minor – Vocals/Keys, Chris Rivers – Vocals/Keys, Bob Alcavage– Lead Guitar,  Mike Larned – Rhythm Guitar/Vocals, Mike Zamani – Bass, and Mike Tizzano– Drums. The band self-released and promoted their five song EP in April 2011 and then hit the road with Warped Tour this summer. Their debut, full length album is set to drop sometime this spring, so make sure to keep your eyes open! You can find the band on Facebook and Twitter, or you can check out their PureVolume profile:

Most bands only have three or four members, what is it like to have six people on stage?

“Its miserable; there is no room lmao…on bigger stages it’s not so bad though….we have so many members for a reason though so I couldn’t picture us playing any other way.”

What was it like to play Warped Tour this summer?

“Warped tour was a blast!”

What is the local music scene like in New Jersey?/ Is there a lot of competition between bands trying to “make it big”?

“The scene isn’t like it used to be; kids aren’t flooding out to shows anymore and there’s a lot of competition between bands…it can get ugly. That’s why it’s important to surround yourself with good people and bands that want you to make it just as bad as they want to make it…you gotta find other musicians who understand that the only way we are going to keep this scene alive is if we help each other out!”

Do you think it’s an advantage or a disadvantage to be unsigned?

“I think it depends on the band…if you have money and can support yourself you may be better off on your own but for bands that are broke and have no means of self promotion, labels are still the best way to go.”

Since you are unsigned, how do you guys spread the word about your music?

“We do a lot of online promotion, especially on Facebook, and as soon as this full length is finished we will be playing shows every day if possible.”

Your bio says that you recorded an EP in April, what was the fan reaction to that?

“Fan reaction has been mostly positive…fall back has gotten a huge response online from fans…its hard to really show who you are as a band in 4 or 5 songs though…we really think our full length will be the make or break for the fans…its going to represent everything Time Will Tell stands for.”

You worked with some people associated with some pretty big bands, Hidden in Plain View, Producer- Hit The Lights, Gym Class Heroes, Armor For Sleep, Houston Calls, how did you get connected with those people?

“We had some friends that worked with Rob Freeman who connected us with him and we have been using him ever since… we really work well with the guy. Not to mention he’s an awesome dude and extremely talented.”

According to your Facebook, you have a debut full length album coming out this spring. How will this album differ from your EP?

“The EP we wrote in April was written in 8 days…we have been working on this album for months – I feel like the EP was a little rushed, however showed that TWT had potential. This full length is going to be a collection of the best songs we’ve ever written and hopefully prove that we lived up to the potential our EP suggested we possessed.”

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