Band of the Week: Pass It On
Genre: Pop/rock
Location: Bergen County, Nj
Bio: This four piece band was originally started by Adriana (the lead singer) who was looking for people to jam with via Facebook. She found, and met Mike who plays guitar, Justin, the drummer, and Mike the bassist all online! Although they haven’t know each other all their lives, they instantly clicked when they met in person. They have played Bamboozle and Warped Tour as well as many local shows, and soon will be sharing the stage with In Our Glory!
Why they are the band of the week: Pass It On is the reason why we love discovering new music to listen to. In my opinion, great bands are 50% the music they produce and 50% percent hard work, perseverance, and loyalty to their fans. I think Pass It On has it all. In the time we spent interviewing them, we came to know little bits about them, and really grew to appreciate them as a band. I dare you to talk to them for five minutes, and not want to buy their music on iTunes! What are you waiting for, go purchase it! Check back on Wednesday April 18th to watch our interview with them!
Check Them Out In Concert:
Sun | April 22 | Garwood NJ | Crossroads |
Check Out Their Music:
Great band IMO. Hoping to finally see them live when I come back to Jersey during the summer.