Big Brother All-Stars continued on Thursday night and made history with the first-ever triple eviction in 22 seasons of its U.S. edition By the end of the night, three All-Stars were sent packing.
So, without further ado, let’s dive into this recap!
Eviction #1: Predictable as ever
The first eviction of the night saw David and Kevin on the block together. This one was going to be just as straightforward and boring as the rest of the season has been. Host Julie Chen Moonves got things started but wanted to “surprise” the All-Stars with the triple eviction news, so she told them it was just a double.
The first vote saw Kevin get evicted on a 6-0 vote. As he exited the house, he did not hug anyone and told Julie that any post-eviction hugs would have been fake from him and his now-ex housemates.
Eviction #2: Still predictable...
Before the second eviction, a new Head of Household needed to be crowned. The first competition saw the All-Stars answer true/false questions about Dr. Will Kirby’s visit (which was completely pointless by the way). Enzo, Christmas and Memphis were the final three and Memphis would end up winning HOH.
It was obvious Memphis was nominating David but the bigger question was who would sit next to him. That would be Nicole as he nominated the only winner left to go against the guy who has won no competitions and has no alliance.
The first Power of Veto competition saw Memphis, David, Nicole, Christmas, and Dani complete a puzzle on one side, then go back across the beam and ring their buzzer to win. In a last-second dash, Christmas would beat out Nicole to win the PoV. Despite some pleading from Nicole, Christmas did not use it, keeping Memphis’ nominations intact.
As we went into the second vote, the All-Stars saw the “Triple Eviction” graphic behind Julie, so they knew a third eviction was coming. David was predictably evicted with a 3-2 vote, despite Christmas and Tyler voting for Nicole.
Eviction #3: Things get interesting (but still predictable)
With all the little targets of the house now gone, the main alliance were now forced to turn on each other. They then had to crown another HOH, which was again more true/false questions about events that happened in the house earlier this season. The competition would come down to Cody, Christmas, and Tyler but it would be Tyler who pulled out the win.
Dani quickly pulled Tyler aside, telling him she is not coming after him (lies) and he hoped they squashed their beef. Luckily, Tyler did not believe her and nominated her alongside Nicole for eviction.
The second PoV competition was similar to the first one but this time Nicole and Christmas fall off their beam, getting eliminated. This gave Tyler the chance to easily complete the puzzle and win the veto. Obviously, he did not use the veto, keeping his own nominations the same.
Julie returned for the final eviction of the night. Dani called out Christmas and Tyler for having a final two but it doesn’t do much for her as she is evicted on a 4-0 vote. It shocks me that these so-called “All-Stars” still keep a former winner in the house and had TWO chances to get her out. Mind boggling.
What did you make of the eviction? Let me know in the comments below!
Big Brother All-Stars continues on a new night, Monday at 8/7c on CBS.