Exclusive Interview with Singer-Songwriter Emmy Law

Goodbye - Emmy Law (original)

If you’ve been reading our site for awhile, singer-songwriter Emmy Law is someone you’ve heard about us rave about before. She has a new song “Goodbye” out now, which is just as good – if not better – than her previous releases. 

I got the chance to talk to Emmy about what the last year has been like, the writing process for “Goodbye”, how she deals with writer’s block and more! Keep reading to see what she had to say!

We last talked in June 2019 but it’s safe to say 2020 has been a weird year for everyone. What has this last year been like for you, both personally and career-wise?

Yes, this year has been insane for everyone. I was supposed to move to Nashville in April of this year. Everything got crazy and I ended up postponing the move for a little while. I’m currently living in Gainesville, GA, and I’m really missing Atlanta! I’ve been busy writing music and teaching music lessons online – thankful for the opportunity to do both of those things. I have no complaints and have had things very easy compared to a lot of my friends. 

Let’s talk about your new song, “Goodbye”. What’s the song about?

I wrote “Goodbye” when I was in the process of moving to Nashville from Atlanta. The song was written as I was thinking about all the people who have impacted me in Atlanta over the last four years, in ways they may be totally unaware of. Many of them were creatives who kept me going when I was feeling low about the whole music thing. 

Something I’ve always been curious with songwriting is how topics come to mind. Did you know what you wanted to write about going into the song session that birthed your single ”Goodbye” or did the idea just come about organically once you were in the session?

For me, my song topics are usually not planned beforehand – but this one was. I knew I wanted to write a song about my time in Atlanta, and that’s what was on my mind when I started writing that day. First I sang the hook line with the word “Goodbye” and everything flowed from there.

As a songwriter, do you ever get writer’s block? If so, how do you deal with it?

Yes, definitely! My writer’s block comes in the form of blocking with songs I’m trying to finish. I’m honestly never out of new ideas, but finishing them is where the block comes. I start feeling like a sponge with all the water wrung out. When I’m blocked on a song, I usually let it sit for a while and start on something new. It’s amazing how simply revisiting unfinished songs with fresh ears can make you see angles you didn’t see before. 

Were there any major changes made to “Goodbye” once you got into the recording studio, whether it be in the lyrics or something sonically?

Honestly, no major changes were made! This one was completely finished going into the studio, and we didn’t feel the need to change anything. I’d wanted to maybe add harmonies, but we decided it didn’t fit the song. 

I know these are weird, uncharted waters and there’s a lot of uncertainty and plans being re-arranged/canceled/etc. But what can fans expect from you in the next few weeks/months? Are you planning to release more music?

In the next few months I’ll be live streaming on Twitch regularly! It’s looking like my streaming will be two days a week. I also have three singles recorded that are being mixed right now – I’ll be releasing them in the coming months. I don’t have any in person shows booked at the moment, but those will be coming too as things move in that direction. 

As you know, we always have to end our interviews with this question: what is something that you’re currently nerding out about?

I’m currently nerding out about C.S. Lewis! I’ve been a fan of a couple of his books over the years, but I’m just now starting to dive more into his work.

For more information, you can visit Emmy’s website or follow her on Facebook or Instagram

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